Internal combustion engine
This article provides an overview of the mechanism and performance operating cycle of internal combustion engines using water-fuel emulsions and the efficiency, economy, and environmental friendliness of this fuel type for automobiles.
12p viengfa 28-10-2024 1 1 Download
Internal combustion engines (ICEs), especially diesel engines, continue to play a huge role in the development of the global economy. The research trends to improve combustion is still the main research direction in recent years with the help of 3D simulation tools. In this study, a 3D-model of a four-stroke, single-cylinder diesel engine was built using AVL Fire software to evaluate the influence of injector geometry parameters on engine characteristics.
14p vibecca 01-10-2024 1 0 Download
Theoretical aim: An overview study of the production process, physicochemical properties and applicability of 2.5-dimethylfuran on on internal combustion engines (especially SI engines) to determine the reasearch gap, scope and plan; the theoretical basis study of combustion and emission of SI engines using DMF as fuel to examine the technical parameters and emissions of the engine when using DMF-gasoline blends on a gasoline engine.
28p closefriend09 16-11-2021 24 5 Download
English for the Automobile Industry has been developed specifically for people who work in the automobile industry and who need English to communicate in a variety of situations with colleagues, clients, and business partners. It supplies you with the target vocabulary and commonly-used expressions that are essential to communication, whether you work directly for a car manufacturer, a supplier, in a car dealership, or for a marketing agency involved with the automobile industry.
42p solua999 05-05-2021 60 13 Download
In order to reduce the harmful effects on the environment, researchers around the world must find ways to reduce emissions. For this reason, the EU allows the use of biofuel mixtures as fuel for internal combustion engines.
12p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 15 2 Download
This paper explains how to convert the lost energy through exhaust system in internal combustion engines “ICE” to electric energy by using thermoelectric generators "TEG" with the benefit of the equipment’s which are already existed in most of the internal combustion engines such as water pump, heat exchanger, and exhaust system.
8p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 19 1 Download
Main points of thesis: Fabrication of the carbon nanotube based internal combustion engine oils; measurement, characterization of CNTs-based oils regarding their structures, physical, thermal, and electrical properties; heat dissipation modeling and thermal-conductivity computation of the carbon nanotube based internal combustion engine oils, and comparison with the experimental results.
23p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 26 4 Download
Theo dự báo của tạp chí Discovery, ô tô điện là 1 trong 5 công nghệ bùng nổ trong năm 2011. Ban biên tập xin giới thiệu với bạn đọc loạt bài viết về ô tô điện. Dưới đây là bài báo thứ hai, bài thứ nhất được in trong tạp chí số tháng 05/2011. Thay vì sử dụng động cơ đốt trong (Internal Combustion Engine), ô tô điện được truyền động bằng động cơ điện. Trong bài báo này, trước tiên những ưu điểm của động cơ điện so với động cơ đốt trong và yêu cầu của động...
21p lilinz 01-07-2013 211 47 Download
Theo dự báo của tạp chí Discovery, ô tô điện là 1 trong 5 công nghệ bùng nổ trong năm 2011. Ban biên tập xin giới thiệu với bạn đọc loạt bài viết về ô tô điện. Dưới đây là bài báo thứ hai, bài thứ nhất được in trong tạp chí số tháng 05/2011. Thay vì sử dụng động cơ đốt trong (Internal Combustion Engine), ô tô điện được truyền động bằng động cơ điện. Trong bài báo này, trước tiên những ưu điểm của động cơ điện so với động cơ đốt trong và yêu cầu của động...
10p sea123123 23-06-2013 199 34 Download
General. In order that the function and operation of submarine diesel engines may be thoroughly understood, it is necessary to describe briefly the history and development leading to modern design. It is significant that the diesel engine is an outgrowth of the early struggle to improve the efficiency of existing types of other internal combustion engines. Today's fleet type submarine diesel engines are indirectly the result of widespread experimentation in both the Otto (gasoline) engine field and the more recently developed diesel engine field. ...
265p iamvip01 12-04-2012 131 26 Download
A transmission or gearbox provides speed and torque conversions from a rotating power source to another device using gear ratios, including for a motor vehicle partly because of the limitations of internal combustion engines.Usually found near motors of some sort, gearboxes are used to reduce the load on the motor by using the motor's own momentum to keep it turning.
71p thanhgiang094 10-05-2011 128 42 Download
Internal Combustion Engine Parts 1. Introduction. 2. Principal Parts of an I. C. Engine. 3. Cylinder and Cylinder Liner. 4. Design of a Cylinder. 5. Piston. 6. Design Considerations for a Piston. 7. Material for Pistons. 8. Piston Head or Crown . 9. Piston Rings. 10. Piston Barrel. 11. Piston skirt. 12. Piston Pin. 13. Connecting Rod. 14. Forces Acting on the Connecting Rod. 15. Design of Connecting Rod. 16. Crankshaft. 17. Material and Manufacture of Crankshafts. 18. Bearing Pressures and Stresses in Crankshafts. 19. Design Procedure for Crankshaft. 20. Design for Centre Crankshaft. 21.
90p tieutaithan 15-11-2010 102 5 Download
The internal combustion engine (Ie) is a heat engine that converts chemical energy in a fuel into mechanical energy, usually made available on a rotating output shaft. Chemical energy of the fuel is first converted to thermal energy by means of combustion or oxidation with air inside the engine. This thermal energy raises the temperature and pressure of the gases within the engine, and the high-pressure gas then expands against the mechanical mechanisms of the engine.
30p hiruscar 25-10-2010 91 4 Download