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Internet protocol address

Xem 1-13 trên 13 kết quả Internet protocol address
  • Small frequently issued packets Discover neighbours and negotiate "adjacencies" Verify continued availability of adjacent neighbours Hello packets and Link State Advertisements (LSAs) build and maintain the topological database Hello packets are addressed to

    ppt128p coc_xanh 15-01-2013 80 12   Download

  • Sau khi học xong Bài giảng Mạng máy tính căn bản - Chương 9: TCP/IP protocol suite and IP addressing người học có thể giải thích lý do tại sao Internet đã được phát triển và làm thế nào TCP / IP phù hợp với thiết kế của Internet, mô tả các chức năng của mỗi lớp của giao thức TCP / IP mô hình,...

    ppt86p xaydungk23 11-06-2014 137 19   Download

  • Lecture Basic network management presents the following content: Hardware components, software and operating system, ethernet network overview, internet protocol address, LAN terminology and components, LAN architecture, Microsoft visio, service TCP/IP, LAN networking devices, building a local area network, monitoring network, firewall concepts, virus concepts, wan overview, building a wide area network, wireless concepts.

    ppt8p nhanmotchut_3 20-10-2016 76 2   Download

  • Upon completion you will be able to: Understand the difference between an internet and an extranet, understand private, hybrid, and virtual private networks, understand how VPN can guarantee privacy, understand the mechanism of NAT.

    ppt14p tangtuy09 26-04-2016 76 7   Download

  • In this chapter we discuss our first client/server application program, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). This application is discussed first because it is the first client/server application program that is used after a host is booted. In other words, it serves as a bootstrap when a host is booted and supposed to be connected to the Internet, but the host does not know its IP address.

    ppt11p tangtuy09 26-04-2016 78 2   Download

  • Chapter summary: DHCP assigns IP addresses by using automatic, manual, or dynamic allocation; DNS resolves host and domain names into IP addresses; WINS resolves NetBIOS names into IP addresses; ping tests whether one computer running TCP/IP can communicate with another computer on the network;...and other contents.

    pdf10p tangtuy08 21-04-2016 46 3   Download

  • • Note: – The Internet is based on IP addresses – Data link protocols (Ethernet, FDDI, ATM) may have different (MAC) addresses • The ARP and RARP protocols perform the translation between IP addresses and MAC layer addresses • We will discuss ARP for broadcast LANs, particularly Ethernet LANs

    pdf6p collagenaaa 26-09-2013 89 2   Download

  • Configuration requirements: (65 marks) 1. Calculating the subnet addressing for the lab using the VLSM technique and note all information needed on the topology.(10) 2. Perform Basic Router Configurations all Routers.(5) 3. In each LAN, configure the second usable host address for PC1 and the last usable host address for PC2.(5) 4. Enable routing on HQ, BRANCH1, and BRANCH2 by using the dynamic routing protocol as EIGRP.(Using wildcard mask, AS number = 1).(30) 5. Configure the static route for the Internet connection (10) 6.

    pdf2p anhchangxuixeo1002 14-03-2013 79 6   Download

  • Giải mã spyware của FBI .Trong một bộ hồ sơ mới được giải mật, Cục Điều tra liên bang Mỹ (FBI) đã thừa nhận việc họ sử dụng một spyware từ nhiều năm nay để “tóm cổ” tội phạm mạng. Phần mềm gián điệp (spyware) của FBI có tên là CIPAV (viết tắt từ cụm từ Computer and Internet Protocol Address Verifier – Công cụ xác minh địa chỉ máy tính và Internet). CIPAV được biết đến lần đầu tiên sau vụ bắt giữ Josh Glazebrook, học sinh 15 tuổi, kẻ doạ đánh bom trường Trung học Timberline, gần Olympia (bang Washington) hồi...

    pdf5p yeurauxanh88 27-09-2012 69 6   Download

  • Multiprotocol Label Switching Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a standards-approved technology for speeding up network traffic flow and making it easier to manage. MPLS involves setting up a specific path for a given sequence of packets, identified by a label put in each packet, thus saving the time needed for a router to look up the address to the next node to forward the packet to. MPLS is called multiprotocol because it works with the Internet Protocol (IP), Asynchronous Transport Mode (ATM), and frame relay network protocols....

    pdf78p greenwind007 13-09-2012 156 44   Download

  • Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) - An IETF protocol for session establishment (RFC 3261): Locate the other party Negotiate what resources/media will be used in the session Initiate & terminate the session Media is transported on RTP and codecs are re-used from other call signaling protocols such as H.323 Leverages Internet Protocols and Addressing SIP is highly extensible Example: Presence & event platforms

    ppt16p thanbaitobe 14-08-2012 72 14   Download

  • In many ways, IP is the network. IP is a connectionless protocol that provides for the delivery of data to logically addressed hosts anywhere on the network

    pdf6p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 133 9   Download

  • Hướng Dẫn Cấu Hình Linkpro WLN-300R(L2) --- ☼ --1. Chuẩn Bị Cấu Hình: a. Xác Định Thiết Bị Cần Cấu Hình: · · · · · · · · Default IP Address: Subnesk Mask: Username: Passworld: SSID default: MSSID default: Security: DHCP: admin admin wireless None None Enable b. Cấu Hình IP Máy Tính: · · · · Click chuột vào Start → Control Panel → Network Connections. Click phải chuột biểu tượng card mạng đang hoạt động chọn Properties Trong khung “This connection use the following items” ta kéo xuống cuối cùng chọn mục “Internet protocol TCP/IP” và chọn...

    pdf3p hangkute_101091 15-07-2010 422 34   Download



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