Java Object Serialization
This chaper describe the concept of persistence, define entity beans, list the features offered by entity beans, compare entity and session beans, explain Message-Driven Beans.
34p youcanletgo_04 15-01-2016 50 3 Download
Cùng nắm kiến thức trong chương này thông qua việc tìm hiểu các nội dung sau: Stream concepts, Input Streams, Output Streams, Reader, Writer, Object Serialization, Object Input, Stream Object, Output Stream,...
106p thiennga_12 06-03-2018 65 4 Download
Lecture Java Programming Language: Files and Exception Handling has main content such as what is a file, handling exception, the filereader and bufferedreader classes, he filewriter and bufferedwriter classes, object serialization,…
12p lavender2022 22-04-2022 25 2 Download