Local government
The Heritage Homeowner’s Preservation Manuals for UNESCO World Heritage Sites series has been conceptualized by the Office of the UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in the Asia-Pacific, with input from the participants of the LEAP programme (19962000), funded by the Government of Norway; Nuttaphol Ma; Suki Keen and Elizabeth Cardosa.
134p dinhmanh157 30-10-2012 142 33 Download
Chính quyền đô thị vừa là chủ thể vừa là công cụ quản lý đô thị.Chính phủ (government, điều 1, luật TC Chính phủ/2001)Chính quyền (local government, điều 1,2 Pháp lệnh ) Nhà chức trách địa phương (local authority,)Công chức (civil servant, điều 4 Luật CB – CC/ 2010)
27p yenhoangbank321 25-06-2013 110 14 Download
The research reported herein has demonstrated that pervious pavements can be introduced as a sustainable stormwater management initiative and as a key Water Sensitive Urban Design feature to deliver numerous benefits to the environment. The outcomes from the study will be useful in designing environmentally friendly car parks, pedestrian paths, light traffic drive ways, sporting grounds and public areas in the future.
244p runthenight05 01-03-2023 12 3 Download
This research thesis seeks to understand how governments, the legal system and the people responsible for construction can be encouraged to incorporate sustainable design in all building developments. Most important within this research is to question the lack of checks of ESD conducted from the planning permit through to the construction phase or on completion of a building.
160p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3 Download
This study centred on three local governments which claimed to give priority to youth participation. Two of those municipalities were identified on the basis of employing youth participation officers, while the third was volunteered to participate in the study by the Mayor of the day who claimed that " their Council was streets ahead " of other local governments in their response to the issues of young people from within their municipality.
199p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
The research questions that guided the adopted research methodology are: 1 - What are the main governance and management practices associated with family business continuity identified and advocated by the lessons learned and best practice approach in the wider family business literature? 2 - What are the main sources of the practices, their provenance, and their theoretical underpinnings, if any? 3 - Is it appropriate to characterize family business lessons learned (local knowledge of what works) as best practices (universal knowledge of what works)?...
309p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
A major feature of public sector accounting reform has been the replacement of conventional cash-based accounting with accrual accounting. Even though accrual accounting is a regular practice in the private sector, little is known about the way in which these practices are diffused throughout large and complex public sector organisations. This thesis relies on Rogers’ (1983) Diffusion of an Innovation Theory (DOI) to explore the diffusion of accrual accounting across the three-tiered (Central - Provincial - Local) government of Sri Lanka.
254p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
This research found that local government, especially in remote and disadvantaged areas is the face of all government in the eyes of the residents. State and Federal Governments have high expectations and compliance regimes, but local government has limited capacity and resources to effectively meet these legitimate demands and also respond to the demands of the local residents and citizens. The lack of financial resources is exacerbated by limited human resource capacity, especially in the Glenelg Shire, the 5th worst local government area in the state in terms of education and occupation.
259p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
This thesis focuses on the relationships between corporate governance structures and the interactions between corporate governance actors. It places the audit committee at its central focus point, but within a holistic corporate eco-system. To develop a more rounded understanding of corporate governance phenomena, the relationships between governance structures and the interactions between governance actors are framed through the lenses of both agency theory and institutional theory.
298p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The study will provide a detailed examination on the views of the finance officers and council policies on IA and depreciation information for decision-making by internal and external users. This is an important area because the preparers of GPFRs have a significant influence on the information used for both internal and external purposes. Conclusions on the consequences of current practices and recommendations for change will be developed to assist local authorities and enhance information to be included in council policies (for example accrual budgets and rating estimates) and GPFRs.
460p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
This thesis is concerned, centrally, with the responses to NPM from two perspectives: local government and organised labour (specifically national and international trade union organisations). Two themes recur in the policy debates around NPM: the effects on the quality of public services and the impacts on employment. Both are examined in this thesis as they had been under-researched and were overshadowed in the research literature by an economistic concern with costs and technical efficiency.
122p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 2 Download
Researching on factors affecting human resource development: In case of the small and medium companies in the Trade and Service sector in Tra Vinh province, in order to analyse, evaluate and make new contributions to the theoretical base, on the basis of which proposes governance implications to perfect the admission factors to human resource development of SMCs, contributing to improving the performance of local businesses.
27p closefriend08 10-11-2021 16 5 Download
This study uses mixed methods that are carried out by not only the qualitative method but also a quantitative method based on a deductive approach Newman (2000).
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 13 1 Download
This chapter concludes the literature view of organizational diagnosis, the contingency theory of organizational diagnosis, clarifies the concept of organizational development, organizational diagnosis and organizational analysis, the role of organizational diagnosis; mentions the definitions of government organizations and especially the characteristics of public sector organization and LGOs in comparison with private sector organizations; overviews the context of LGOs in HCM, Vietnam.
258p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 23 2 Download
Theoretical and practical issues about developing the EOEPMI of national city. Research scope: In term of field, the research is part of the electronics industry and does not give research issues in terms of economic development. In term of space: researching the industry of a city in general and of DN City in particular. In terms of scope: actual information data for the period of 2013-2018, the proposed solutions for the period from now to 2025 and after 2025.
27p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 12 0 Download
The study employed statistical techniques to address the subject matter of the research problem. Among other things, the study found that quality of financial reporting is very significant in enhancing financial accountability of Tanzanian local governments.
18p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 18 1 Download
This paper attempts for a randomized trial of empirically investigating 50 SMEs in and around Bangalore, India and hypothetically reveals that most of them are not keen in associating with ongoing Government sponsored development programs, rather are interested in the formation of clusters to take up VCSR programs, agreeable for 1% to 2% of their net profit contributions, welcome the involvement of local NGOs and other consulting organizations for improved impact of VCSR and so on.
14p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 13 1 Download
The study tested three null hypotheses and a total of 350 participants were randomly selected from four senior secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Nigeria. Data was collected using two research instruments and the results showed a positive non-significant relationship between the independent variables and students’ achievement in narrative essay.
10p christabelhuynh 04-06-2020 17 1 Download
The thesis studies theoretical and practical basis to recommend solutions to propose a new model of communal government better than the current one in order to meet the requirements of state administrative reform in the context of the renovation of the political system and the construction of new rural areas in Vietnam in the direction of establishing self-governance communal governments and in accordance with local characteristics.
14p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 43 2 Download
Study theoreotical and practical basis of mobilizing financial resource for socioeconomic infrastructure investment of local governments (provincial). Analyze of the impact of specific factors that have an impact on financial resource mobilization of the border gate cities in general and Mong Cai international border gate city in particular. Analyze and evaluate the current status of investment in socio-economic infrastructure and current status of mobilizing financial resource in Mong Cai city.
14p change05 10-06-2016 46 1 Download