Macro environment
Be aware of Marketing , Service Marketing & Tourism Marketing concepts Identify the similarity and the differences between Service Marketing & Tourism Marketing List characteristics of Services and Marketing - Mix Components Classify the differences between marketing and sales.
129p minhsilver133 04-05-2013 121 35 Download
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, references, appendixes; the content of the dissertation is divided into three chapters: Theory of competitiveness of commercial banks; current situation of competitive capacity at BIDV So giao dich 1 banch; solutions to improve competitiveness of BIDV So giao dich 1 banch.
95p beloveinhouse06 07-09-2021 17 3 Download
The thesis clarifies the impact of factors in the macro environment on the capital structure of companies listed on the Vietnamese stock market, and proposes a number of recommendations for entities in the market activities of listed businesses.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 19 2 Download