Macroeconomic indicators
The purpose of this analysis is to leverage the macroeconomic indicator extract from public data source that impact countries that can help inform decisions on choosing final candidate for Tesla Model 3 global expansion and investment project.
6p hungnd43bk 18-12-2021 41 2 Download
Investigate and assess the role of the REER of Vietnam in the period of 2000-2020; apply the REER in determining the exchange rate misalignment; assess its impacts on some Vietnamese macroeconomic indicators such as: Growth rate, inflation, trade balance.
22p closefriend09 16-11-2021 27 2 Download
Performances of participation banks in the Turkish financial system and performances of participation banks in Malaysia are evaluated within this study, between 2000 and 2015. Relationship between profitability of participation banks and macroeconomic characteristics and indicators peculiar to banks operating in Turkey and Malaysia are examined.
10p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 13 1 Download
Systematize the theoretical issues on foreign exchange reserves and macroeconomic stability. Supplement the theoretical framework on the impact of foreign exchange reserves on some indicators related to macroeconomic stability such as GDP growth, exchange rate, balance of payment and inflation. Analyse of the macroeconomic situation, actual situation of foreign exchange reserves and the impact of the foreign exchange reserves on macroeconomic stability in Vietnam in the period of 2000 – 2016.
11p bibianh 25-09-2019 26 2 Download
The thesis is conducted to obtain one main aim and three specific objectives. The main aim is: to examine the dollarization status of the Vietnamese economy, to determine the correlation between the dollarization status and the macroeconomic indicators, thereby suggest some policies to limit the dollarization status in Vietnam.
35p bibianh 19-09-2019 35 3 Download
Bài giảng 3 Các chỉ số kinh tế vĩ mô Lecture 3: Macroeconomic Indicators Các chỉ số cơ bản • • • • Sản lượng, thu nhập, chi tiêu Các chỉ số tiền tệ Các chỉ số tài khóa Tài sản tài chính Macroeconomics, Fall 2010
12p mymemory1212 16-02-2011 399 155 Download