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Mathematical works

Xem 1-20 trên 85 kết quả Mathematical works
  • The research subject is the process of economic and mathematical modelling of time series characterizing the bitcoin exchange rate volatility, based on the use of artificial neural networks. The purpose of the work is to search and scientifically substantiate the tools and mechanisms for developing prognostic estimates of the crypto currency market development. The paper considers the task of financial time series trend forecasting using the LSTM neural network for supply chain strategies.

    pdf5p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 14 2   Download

  • Although the research direction on NSFD schemes for differential equations have achieved a lot ofresults shown by both quantity and quality of existing research works, real-world situations have always posednew complex problems in both qualitative study and numerical simulation aspects. On the other hand, there aremany differential models that have been established completely in the qualitative aspect but their correspondingdynamically consistent discrete models have not yet been proposed and studied

    pdf26p capheviahe29 17-03-2021 29 4   Download

  • The current work attempts to provide an idea of the drop ejection behaviour based on the computation of energies required for droplet formation and splat formation.

    pdf13p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 31 2   Download

  • The research content in the thesis is the current problems which are renewed with a series of works of foreign authors; while in the country (in Vietnam), there are many published works related to methods and algorithms finding reducts of a decision table by different approaches. The objective of the thesis is to research some analyzed problems in range of relational databases.

    pdf26p xacxuoc4321 08-07-2019 42 5   Download

  • The thesis majors at: Camera surveillance systems and related works; the hand – off camera techniques in surveillance camera systems with multiple cameras; the anomaly detection techniques in video surveillance.

    pdf27p change00 04-05-2016 65 5   Download

  • We obtain global well-posedness, scattering, and global L10 spacetime t,x bounds for energy-class solutions to the quintic defocusing Schr¨dinger equao tion in R1+3 , which is energy-critical. In particular, this establishes global existence of classical solutions. Our work extends the results of Bourgain [4] and Grillakis [20], which handled the radial case.

    pdf100p dontetvui 17-01-2013 51 7   Download

  • Let p 1 and let (X, d, μ) be a complete metric measure space with μ Borel and doubling that admits a (1, p)-Poincar´ inequality. Then there exists e ε 0 such that (X, d, μ) admits a (1, q)-Poincar´ inequality for every q p−ε, e quantitatively. 1. Introduction Metric spaces of homogeneous type, introduced by Coifman and Weiss [7], [8], have become a standard setting for harmonic analysis related to singular integrals and Hardy spaces. Such metric spaces are often referred to as a metric measure space with a doubling measure. An advantage of working...

    pdf26p dontetvui 17-01-2013 57 7   Download

  • By means of the Hardy-Littlewood method, we apply a new mean value theorem for exponential sums to confirm the truth, over the rational numbers, of the Hasse principle for pairs of diagonal cubic forms in thirteen or more variables. 1. Introduction Early work of Lewis [14] and Birch [3], [4], now almost a half-century old, shows that pairs of quite general homogeneous cubic equations possess non-trivial integral solutions whenever the dimension of the corresponding intersection is suitably large (modern refinements have reduced this permissible affine dimension to 826; see [13]). ...

    pdf32p noel_noel 17-01-2013 67 6   Download

  • This paper introduces the notion of a stability condition on a triangulated category. The motivation comes from the study of Dirichlet branes in string theory, and especially from M.R. Douglas’s work on Π-stability. From a mathematical point of view, the most interesting feature of the definition is that the set of stability conditions Stab(D) on a fixed category D has a natural topology, thus defining a new invariant of triangulated categories.

    pdf30p noel_noel 17-01-2013 54 7   Download

  • We prove the topological (or combinatorial) rigidity property for real polynomials with all critical points real and nondegenerate, which completes the last step in solving the density of Axiom A conjecture in real one-dimensional dynamics. Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. Statement of results 1.2. Organization of this work 1.3. General terminologies and notation 2. Density of Axiom A follows from the Rigidity Theorem 3. Derivation of the Rigidity Theorem from the Reduced Rigidity Theorem

    pdf94p noel_noel 17-01-2013 48 9   Download

  • Analytic number theorists usually seek to show that sequences which appear naturally in arithmetic are “well-distributed” in some appropriate sense. In various discrepancy problems, combinatorics researchers have analyzed limitations to equidistribution, as have Fourier analysts when working with the “uncertainty principle”. In this article we find that these ideas have a natural setting in the analysis of distributions of sequences in analytic number theory, formulating a general principle, and giving several examples. ...

    pdf44p noel_noel 17-01-2013 55 7   Download

  • The stochastic 2D Navier-Stokes equations on the torus driven by degenerate noise are studied. We characterize the smallest closed invariant subspace for this model and show that the dynamics restricted to that subspace is ergodic. In particular, our results yield a purely geometric characterization of a class of noises for which the equation is ergodic in L2 (T2 ). Unlike previous 0 works, this class is independent of the viscosity and the strength of the noise.

    pdf41p noel_noel 17-01-2013 50 10   Download

  • We give an upper bound on the number of extensions of a fixed number field of prescribed degree and discriminant ≤ X; these bounds improve on work of Schmidt. We also prove various related results, such as lower bounds for the number of extensions and upper bounds for Galois extensions.

    pdf20p noel_noel 17-01-2013 60 7   Download

  • We prove that the classical Oka property of a complex manifold Y, concerning the existence and homotopy classification of holomorphic mappings from Stein manifolds to Y, is equivalent to a Runge approximation property for holomorphic maps from compact convex sets in Euclidean spaces to Y . Introduction Motivated by the seminal works of Oka [40] and Grauert ([24], [25], [26]) we say that a complex manifold Y enjoys the Oka property if for every Stein manifold X, every compact O(X)-convex subset K of X and every continuous map f0 : X → Y which is holomorphic in an...

    pdf20p noel_noel 17-01-2013 55 6   Download

  • Elliptic units, which are obtained by evaluating modular units at quadratic imaginary arguments of the Poincar´e upper half-plane, provide us with a rich source of arithmetic questions and insights. They allow the analytic construction of abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields, encode special values of zeta functions through the Kronecker limit formula, and are a prototype for Stark’s conjectural construction of units in abelian extensions of number fields.

    pdf47p noel_noel 17-01-2013 49 8   Download

  • Let E be an elliptic curve over Q, let p be an ordinary prime for E, and let K be an imaginary quadratic field. Write K∞/K for the anticyclotomic Zp-extension of K and set G∞ = Gal(K∞/K). Following a construction of Section 2 of [BD1] which is recalled in Section 1, one attaches to the data (E,K, p) an anticyclotomic p-adic L-function Lp(E,K) which belongs to the Iwasawa algebra Λ := Zp[[G∞]]. This element, whose construction was inspired by a formula proved in [Gr1], is known, thanks to work of Zhang ([Zh, §1.

    pdf65p noel_noel 17-01-2013 52 6   Download

  • Exponential decay of correlations for C 4 contact Anosov flows is established. This implies, in particular, exponential decay of correlations for all smooth geodesic flows in strictly negative curvature. 1. Introduction The study of decay of correlations for hyperbolic systems goes back to the work of Sinai [36] and Ruelle [32]. While many results were obtained through the years for maps, some positive results have been established for Anosov flows only recently. Notwithstanding the proof of ergodicity, and mixing, for geodesic flows on manifolds of negative curvature [15], [1], [35], ...

    pdf39p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 65 8   Download

  • The goal of this work is to give a precise numerical description of the K¨hler cone of a compact K¨hler manifold. Our main result states that the a a K¨hler cone depends only on the intersection form of the cohomology ring, the a Hodge structure and the homology classes of analytic cycles: if X is a compact K¨hler manifold, the K¨hler cone K of X is one of the connected components of a a the set P of real (1, 1)-cohomology classes {α} which are numerically positive on analytic cycles, i.e. Y αp 0 for every irreducible analytic...

    pdf29p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 57 7   Download

  • We study the Radon transform Rf of functions on Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds. We establish a connection between Rf and G˚ arding-Gindikin fractional integrals associated to the cone of positive definite matrices. By using this connection, we obtain Abel-type representations and explicit inversion formulae for Rf and the corresponding dual Radon transform. We work with the space of continuous functions and also with Lp spaces.

    pdf36p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 69 10   Download

  • Two centuries ago, in his celebrated work Disquisitiones Arithmeticae of 1801, Gauss laid down the beautiful law of composition of integral binary quadratic forms which would play such a critical role in number theory in the decades to follow. Even today, two centuries later, this law of composition still remains one of the primary tools for understanding and computing with the class groups of quadratic orders. It is hence only natural to ask whether higher analogues of this composition law exist that could shed light on the structure of other algebraic number rings and fields. ...

    pdf35p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 55 9   Download



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