Meaning of simple sentences
Unit 1: Clause and sentence structure. Main points: Simple sentences have one clause. Clauses usually consist of a noun group as the subject, and a verb group. Clauses can also have another noun group as the object or complement. Clauses can have an adverbial, also called an adjunct. Changing the order of the words in a clause can change its meaning. Compound sentences consist of two or more main clauses. Complex sentences always include a subordinate clause, as well as one or more main clauses....
153p dinhluyen2704 06-09-2010 328 159 Download
Researching this topic and thesis aims to: Describe to clarify the characteristics of the agentives and the objectives in relation to the semantic nucleus. Indicate the role of the objects agentives and objectives to the realization of the types of things, the realization of the meaning of the predicates in the situation.
28p tunelove 10-06-2021 25 3 Download