Measures and metrics
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 15: Economics and Justification of Electronic Commerce learning objectives: Describe the need for justifying EC investments, how it is done, and how metrics are used to determine justification. Understand the difficulties in measuring and justifying EC investments. Recognize the difficulties in establishing intangible metrics and describe how to overcome them. List and briefly describe traditional and advanced methods of justifying IT investments.
50p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 14 4 Download
This paper investigates the role of environmental management accounting on sustainable supply chain management and the link between sustainable supply chain management and efficiency including financial and environmental factors using questionnaire-based survey.
12p tohitohi 22-05-2020 64 1 Download
Lecture "Marketing metrics - Chapter 1+2: Overview of marketing metric, developing marketing metrics system" presentation of content: What’s a metric, the need of measuring marketing performance,... and other content.
9p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 68 2 Download
Metabolic fluxes provide a detailed metric of the cellular metabolic phenotype. Fluxes are estimated indirectly from available measurements and various methods have been developed for this purpose. Of particular interest are meth-ods making use of stable isotopic tracers as they enable the estimation of fluxes at a high resolution. In this paper, we present data validating the use of mass spectrometry (MS) for the quantification of complex metabolic flux networks.
18p tumor12 20-04-2013 45 2 Download
We study the large eigenvalue limit for the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, on a compact manifold of negative curvature – in fact, we only assume that the geodesic flow has the Anosov property. In the semi-classical limit, we prove that the Wigner measures associated to eigenfunctions have positive metric entropy. In particular, they cannot concentrate entirely on closed geodesics. 1. Introduction, statement of results We consider a compact Riemannian manifold M of dimension d ≥ 2, and assume that the geodesic flow (g t )t∈R , acting on the unit tangent bundle of M , has a “chaotic”...
43p dontetvui 17-01-2013 54 7 Download
Let p 1 and let (X, d, μ) be a complete metric measure space with μ Borel and doubling that admits a (1, p)-Poincar´ inequality. Then there exists e ε 0 such that (X, d, μ) admits a (1, q)-Poincar´ inequality for every q p−ε, e quantitatively. 1. Introduction Metric spaces of homogeneous type, introduced by Coifman and Weiss [7], [8], have become a standard setting for harmonic analysis related to singular integrals and Hardy spaces. Such metric spaces are often referred to as a metric measure space with a doubling measure. An advantage of working...
26p dontetvui 17-01-2013 55 6 Download
A Hausdorff measure version of the Duffin-Schaeffer conjecture in metric number theory is introduced and discussed. The general conjecture is established modulo the original conjecture. The key result is a Mass Transference Principle which allows us to transfer Lebesgue measure theoretic statements for lim sup subsets of Rk to Hausdorff measure theoretic statements. In view of this, the Lebesgue theory of lim sup sets is shown to underpin the general Hausdorff theory. This is rather surprising since the latter theory is viewed to be a subtle refinement of the former. ...
23p noel_noel 17-01-2013 48 6 Download
Measurement Plan a name and definition for each unique metric; the classification for each metric; an association point in product development that identifies when and how data is to be collected; definitions of the data collection forms; the procedures for data reporting, collection,and validation;
14p teouit 05-01-2013 66 6 Download
R´sum´ anglais e e For a hyperbolic metric on a 3-dimensional manifold, the boundary of its convex core is a surface which is almost everywhere totally geodesic, but which is bent along a family of disjoint geodesics. The locus and intensity of this bending is described by a measured geodesic lamination, which is a topological object.
44p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 44 6 Download
We classify the measure theoretic attractors of general C 3 unimodal maps with quadratic critical points. The main ingredient is the decay of geometry. 1. Introduction 1.1. Statement of results. The study of measure theoretical attractors occupied a central position in the theory of smooth dynamical systems in the 1990s. Recall that a forward invariant compact set A is called a (minimal) metric attractor for some dynamics if the basin of attraction B(A) := {x : ω(x) ⊂ A} of A has positive Lebesgue measure and B(A ) has Lebesgue measure zero for every forward invariant compact set...
17p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 45 6 Download
Association rules represent a promising technique to find hidden patterns in a medical data set. The main issue about mining association rules in a medical data set is the large number of rules that are discovered, most of which are irrelevant. Such number of rules makes search slow and interpretation by the domain expert difficult. In this work, search constraints are introduced to find only medically significant association rules and make search more efficient.
8p lebronjamesuit 23-08-2012 88 7 Download