Metabolic disorders
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are not only at high risk of reproductive, metabolic or physical health problems, but also easily suffer from psychological disorders such as stress, depression, anxiety, this has been proven to lower quality of life.
8p vihatake 06-01-2025 1 0 Download
In patients with end-stage chronic kidney failure, there are a number of disorders that cause bone damage. In this article we present a case of secondary HPT causing facial and thoracic bone changes.
6p viharuno 03-01-2025 1 1 Download
Skeletal muscle-related studies have recently been applied in the combat of obesity and metabolic disorders. Culture skeletal muscle cells in in vitro plays an important role in being a promising model for those researches. In the present study, the C2C12 skeletal muscle cells were grown and differentiated in in vitro.
7p vibenya 31-12-2024 0 0 Download
Wilson disease (WD), an inherited disorder affecting copper metabolism, is characterized by hepatic cirrhosis and neuronal degeneration, which result from toxic levels of copper that accumulate in the liver and brain, respectively. We reported previously that the 1.3-kb promoter of the WD gene contains four metal response elements (MREs). Among the four MREs, MREa plays the most important role in the transcriptional activation of the WD promoter.
11p research12 01-06-2013 54 3 Download
Insulin is the principal regulatory hormone involved in the tight regulation of fuel metabolism. In response to blood glucose levels, it is secreted by the b cells of the pancreas and exerts its effects by binding to cell surface receptors that are present on virtually all cell types and tissues. In humans, perturbations in insulin function and/or secretion lead to diabetes mellitus, a severe disorder primarily characterized by an inability to maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, it is estimated that 90–95% of diabetic patients exhibit resistance to insulin action....
10p research12 01-06-2013 35 4 Download
Obesity is a central feature of the metabolic syndrome and is associated with increased risk for insulin resistance and type II diabetes. Here, we investigated the contribution of human apoliprotein E3 and mouse apoli-protein E to the development of diet-induced obesity in response to western-type diet. Our data show that apolipoprotein E contributes to the development of obesity and other related metabolic disorders, and that human apolipoprotein E3 is more potent than mouse apolipoprotein E in promoting obesity in response to western-type diet. ...
14p research12 29-04-2013 47 3 Download
Misfolded proteins, aggregates, and inclusion bodies are hall-marks of the cytopathology of neurodegenerative disorders including Huntington’s disease, Amyotropic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Prion diseases, and Alzheimer’s disease. The appearance of proteins with altered folded states is regula-ted by the protein folding quality control machinery and age-dependent. We have identified an unexpected molecular link between metabolic state, accumulation of damaged proteins, the heat-shock response and chaperones, and longevity....
61p fptmusic 11-04-2013 46 5 Download
Human tyrosine aminotransferase (hTATase) is the pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the reversible transamination of tyrosine to p-hydrophenylpyruvate, an important step in tyrosine metabolism. hTATase deficiency is implicated in the rare metabolic disorder, tyrosine-mia type II.
10p inspiron33 26-03-2013 52 4 Download
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by multifarious dysfunctional alterations including mitochon-drial impairment. In the present study, the formation of inclusions caused by the mutation of huntingtin protein and its relationship with changes in energy metabolism and with pathological alterations were investigated both in transgenic and 3-nitropropionic acid-treated mouse models for HD.
16p inspiron33 23-03-2013 38 6 Download
Farnesoid X receptor (FXR), a member of the nuclear receptor superfam-ily, has been shown to play pivotal roles in bile acid homeostasis by regu-lating the biosynthesis, conjugation, secretion and absorption of bile acids. Accumulating data suggest that FXR signaling is involved in the pathogen-esis of liver and metabolic disorders.
14p vinaphone15 27-02-2013 30 3 Download
High-throughput metabolomics is a dynamically developing technology that enables the mass separation of complex mixtures at very high resolu-tion. Metabolic profiling has begun to be widely used in clinical research to study the molecular mechanisms of complex cell disorders.
11p viettel02 22-02-2013 33 4 Download
Obesity and its associated disorders, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, have now reached epidemic proportions in the Western world, resulting in dramatic increases in healthcare costs. Understanding the pro-cesses and metabolic perturbations that contribute to the expansion of adi-pose depots accompanying obesity is central to the development of appropriate therapeutic strategies.
9p viettel02 20-02-2013 65 4 Download
Both hypoxia and hyperoxia, deregulating the oxidative balance, may play a role in the pathology of neurodegenerative disorders underlain by cerebral ischemia. In the present study, quantitative proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to evaluate regional metabolic alterations, following a 24-hour hypoxic or hyperoxic exposure on the background of ischemic brain insult, in two
9p toshiba23 18-11-2011 47 2 Download
Tiểu đường là một bệnh biến dưỡng (metabolic disorder) khiến đường lên cao trong máu, làm khổ triệu triệu người trên thế giới. Trong 100 người chúng ta, có 1 người bị tiểu đường (1%). Về lâu về dài, bệnh gây những biến chứng quan trọng ở mắt, thận, thần kinh và mạch máu. Tiểu đường có 2 loại: loại 1 xảy ra sớm, trước tuổi 40, do thiếu chất “insulin” trong cơ thể, loại 2 xảy ra muộn hơn, sau tuổi 40, do các tế bào không sử dụng được chất “insulin”, dù “insulin” có sẵn đấy (“insulin”...
7p buddy7 29-06-2011 80 3 Download
Có 5 loại : 1. Nhiễm toan chuyển hóa (metabolic acidosis) (ví dụ ngừng tim). 2. Nhiễm toan hô hấp (respiratory acidosis) (ví dụ bệnh phổi tắc mãn tính với ứ đọng CO2). 3. Nhiễm kiềm chuyển hóa (metabolic alkolosis) (ví dụ mửa kéo dài) 4. Nhiễm kiềm hô hấp (respiratory acidosis) (ví dụ hội chứng tăng thông khí). 5. Rối loạn axít-kiềm hỗn hợp (nghĩa là nhiễm kiềm hô hấp và nhiễm toan chuyển hóa, như được thấy nơi một người trưởng thành với ngộ độc salicylate ; nhiễm toan chuyển hóa với bù hô hấp). ...
16p thiuyen111 11-04-2011 83 9 Download
Bs Sinan Tanyoc và các đồng nghiệp thuộc Trung Tâm Tiểu Đường, Nội Thương, Đại Học Y Khoa San Francisco, vừa tường trình kết quả nghiên cứu bệnh cao mỡ trong máu liên hệ hiện tượng kháng insulin, tiểu đường loại 2 và hội chứng biến dưỡng. Di thể ENPP1 còn là chất glycoprotein nằm ngoài màng tế bào là chất chẹn thụ thể insulin và một vài polymorphisms của di thể ENPP/PC-1 liên hệ hiện tượng kháng insulin, mập phì, và những biến chứng tiểu đường. (Metabolic syndrome and related disorders, 7: 1-6, 2009)....
1p candysweet 29-09-2009 128 15 Download