Modeling in gis
The aims of the study "Characterising microbial and neuroimmune interactions in a mouse model of autism" are threefold: i) To characterize the influence of the R451C mutation on caecal enteric neuron organization; ii) To characterize the influence of the R451C mutation on caecal patch macrophage density and morphology; iii) To assess for alterations in gut microbes in different regions of the GI tract in the NL3R451C mouse model of autism.
83p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 1 Download
Soil erosion strongly affects crop yield, undermines the long term productivity of farm land and sustainability of farming system, and poses a major threat to the livelihood of the farmers and rural communities. The United Nations Environmental Program reported that the productivity of soil has reduced and resulting in economically unfeasible cultivation on about 20 million hectare of land each year due to soil erosion and resulting degradation of land.
17p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 22 2 Download
This paper focused on the selection of suitable location for the information centre for seaweed farming in Southeast Maluku district, Indonesia.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 6 1 Download
Nhiều bạn chưa nắm được cách tạo bản vẽ kỹ thuật AutoCAD một cách chuyên nghiệp, các bạn vẽ tất cả những gì cần in ra trong một khuôn giấy có khung tên ngay trong môi trường Model, kể cả hình trích với kích thước to hơn, với hàm ý rằng như vậy là phóng nó với tỷ lệ khác với tỷ lệ chung. Làm như vậy sẽ có những nhược điểm rất phi kỹ thuật sau đây:
12p quangvinhtb7 12-05-2011 212 71 Download