Monte Carlo codes
This work investigates the generation of neutron flux inside lead shielding due to cosmic rays as a function of shielding thickness by use of the GEANT Monte-Carlo modelling code. GEANT allows for the Monte-Carlo modelling of the transport of particles in matter. This includes muons, the particles of interest here, which originate from cosmic ray showers.
109p runthenight07 01-03-2023 11 3 Download
Luận văn xây dựng code mô phỏng hiệu dụng về đầu dò GMX – 4076PL tại phòng phân tích kích hoạt neutron của Viện nghiên cứu hạt nhân Đà Lạt cho nguồn điểm, nguồn hình học dạng trụ, dạng Marinelli. Trong quá trình mô phỏng, chúng tôi sẽ khảo sát và thay đổi các thông số kỹ thuật sao cho có sự phù hợp giữa mô phỏng và thực nghiệm. K
117p capheviahe28 01-03-2021 33 4 Download
The methodology is devised by coupling different codes. The study of weather conditions as part of the data of the site will determine the relative concentrations of radionuclides in the air using ARCON96.
7p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 16 0 Download
We describe an approach to calibrate Single Event Effect (SEE)-based detectors in monoenergetic fields and apply the resulting semi-empiric responses to more general mixed-field cases in which a broad variety of particle species and energy spectra are present.
9p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 8 0 Download
The aim of this work is to focus on nuclear structure data used at low energy where electromagnetic transitions can be measured. The RIPL3 database linked to the FIFRELIN Monte Carlo code contains such data and their influence on fission observables is reviewed.
5p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 6 2 Download
Random sampling methods are used for nuclear data (ND) uncertainty propagation, often in combination with the use of Monte Carlo codes (e.g., MCNP). One example is the Total Monte Carlo (TMC) method.
5p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 16 2 Download
This work makes use of the Generalized Least Square method to solve Bayes equation, as implemented in the CONRAD code. Experimental database used includes ICSBEP Uranium based critical experiments and benefits from recent re-analyses of MASURCA and FCA-IX criticality experiments (with Monte-Carlo calculations) and of PROFIL irradiation experiments.
9p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 6 0 Download
This paper presents a nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the effective delayed neutron fraction beff for critical and subcritical cores of the MYRRHA reactor using the continuous-energy Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code MCNP.
7p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 20 1 Download
This paper gives an overview of the evaluation processes used for nuclear data at CEA. After giving Bayesian inference and associated methods used in the CONRAD code [P. Archier et al., Nucl. Data Sheets 118, 488 (2014)], a focus on systematic uncertainties will be given.
8p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 9 1 Download
Tuyển tập báo cáo các nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế ngành hóa học dành cho các bạn yêu hóa học tham khảo đề tài: Blind Decoding of Multiple Description Codes over OFDM Systems via Sequential Monte Carlo
14p sting11 10-03-2012 33 3 Download