Bài giảng Hướng dẫn sử dụng SPSS trong nghiên cứu marketing gồm có những nội dung chính sau: Regression and correlation, scatter diagram, correlation, regression, multiple regression. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để biết thêm nội dung chi tiết!
9p zizaybay1106 19-07-2024 2 1 Download
Báo cáo khoa học "Xác định hệ số tương quan giữa chỉ số BMI và CTDI vol, DLP trong chụp cắt lớp vi tính ở người trưởng thành" với mục tiêu nghiên cứu nhằm xác định hệ số tương quan giữa chỉ số cân nặng, chiều cao và BMI đến hai thông số liên quan đến liều lượng tia là CTDIvol và DLP trong chụp cắt lớp vi tính đa dãy bụng chậu ở người trưởng thành. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!
23p sanhobien01 05-07-2024 7 3 Download
Mục tiêu của luận án "Thiết kế giải thuật tối ưu hiệu suất phổ và hiệu suất năng lượng trong hệ thống MIMO nhiều người dùng" là tìm hiểu, nghiên cứu phát triển các thuật toán tối ưu hóa cho thiết kế các bộ tiền mã hóa phát và các bộ lọc thu trong hệ thống thông tin MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Ouput) nhiều người dùng nhằm tối ưu các hiệu năng khác nhau của hệ thống.
31p kimphuong1124 28-08-2023 7 4 Download
This thesis presents a study of impedance optimisation of active microstrip patch antennas to multiple frequency points. A single layered aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna has been optimised to match the source reflection coefficient of a transistor in designing an active antenna. The active aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna was optimised to satisfy Global Positioning System (GPS) frequency specifications.
137p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
In the multi-dimensional model of data warehouses, data drawn from multiple sources is organized into fact tables and dimension tables. Data cubes pre-compute the aggregations of measurements along combinations of dimensions to speed up the processing of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) queries. When the underlying fact tables or dimension tables change over time, data cubes need to be incrementally maintained to reflect these changes. In this thesis, we study the problem of incrementally maintaining data cubes under slowly changing dimensions.
22p runthenight05 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
In this thesis, focus on the wireless links between devices equipped by deployed operating personnel and intermediary access point infrastructure. We use multi-radio (MR) platforms, wireless devices with multiple and diverse transceiver technologies, to produce robust and reliable links through adaptive control of available transceivers. Primarily, we study the application of intelligent control techniques, namely reinforcement learning (RL), for adaptive control over diverse transceivers to achieve the desired robustness and reliability under dynamic environmental conditions.
185p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
This study focuses on electrospinning with linear spinnerets to overcome the drawbacks of existing electrospinning methods. The aim of this study is thus to design and realise the linear spinnerets that hold the advantages in generating multiple polymer jet with a low applied voltage and easy controlling.
138p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
The renewed interest in executive remuneration, particularly CEO remuneration, in light of the recent global financial crisis (GFC) leads to the question: Is CEO remuneration excessive or can it be justified on grounds of the established reputation of individual CEOs, the performance of the company, the quality of the internal governance structures and the ability of shareholders to have an influence? This question provides the impetus for this study. To answer this question, an understanding of the multiple drivers of executive remuneration is required.
230p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
The thesis research followed a constructivist assumption to claim knowledge. The strategy of inquiry was the case study taking the multiple-case, comparative design. Three case studies were conducted in this thesis. The research method mainly relied on open-ended interviews supported by semi-structured interviews and triangulations using documentation and archival records. It basically took the qualitative approach. The three case study organisations are typical large organisations and major employers of the Hong Kong IT workforce.
360p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3 Download
This dissertation is composed of two parts, an integrative essay and a set of published papers. The essay and the collection of papers are placed in the context of development and application of time series econometric models in a temporal-axis from 1970s through 2005, with particular focus in the Marketing discipline. The main aim of the integrative essay is on modelling the effects of marketing actions on performance variables, such as sales and market share in competitive markets.
7p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 1 Download
The purpose of the research "Habits and technology fit: a study of technology acceptance" is to study Habit-Technology Fit (HTF) as an approach to capture a dynamic mix of habits which are perceived as salient from the respondent’s perspective, and the effect of including it in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model framework. The HTF construct and its measurement were developed in order to capture multiple non-predetermined habits. All measures were semantically validated with Q-Sorting exercises, and their reliability was statistically confirmed.
255p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This study provides comparative findings on the impact of adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) on the value relevance of reported accounting and non-accounting information in a set of six countries with a British accounting heritage but divergent harmonization paths leading up to IFRS adoption. The countries included in the sample are the United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and South Africa.
229p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 4 Download
Steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) is a multiple-composite material developed during the early 1970s. In SFRC, short steel fibers are randomly distributed in concrete. Steel fibers can prevent the development of micro-cracks inside the concrete and reduce the expansion and development of the macro-cracks, thus enhance mechanical performance of SFRC. However, there is lack of studies on the influence of flowability of fresh SFRC on the steel fiber distribution patterns and mechanical properties of hardened SFRC.
85p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 4 Download
Khoá luận "Tìm hiểu sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời sản xuất nước cất bằng công nghệ MED" được hoàn thành với mục tiêu có thể sản xuất nước cất với chi phí thấp bằng công nghệ Multiple Effect Distillation (MED). Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!
61p dongcoxanh2510 25-10-2022 31 13 Download
Managerial Economics - Homework 4: Estimating and forecasting demand provide students with knowledge about the equation can be rewritten in logarithmic form; the log specification can be transformed into the multiplicative form; sensitivity analysis seeks to determine the sales effect of changes in key explanatory variables;...
2p flynn_beret 03-04-2022 16 3 Download
Managerial Economics - Homework 6: Cost analysis provide students with knowledge about the opportunity cost of pursuing a full-time MBA degree; the basic difference between economic cost and accounting cost; the minimum efficient scale; a firm experiences economies of scope; allocating shared fixed costs among multiple products;...
5p flynn_beret 03-04-2022 20 2 Download
Firstly, the study aimed at analyzing discourse features of fast food advertisements in the perspective of multiple modes of communication including both linguistic and non-linguistic symbol resources to achieve the best persuasion effects. Secondly, this study attempted to see how different modes of communication are combined together in the advertisements to achieve the purposes of the fast food corporations.
62p beloveinhouse04 01-09-2021 39 7 Download
Luận văn trình bày đánh giá được tác dụng ức chế enzym Acetylcholinesterase in vitro của bài thuốc Minh Não Vintong; Đánh giá được tác dụng tăng cường khả năng học tập và ghi nhớ của bài thuốc trên mô hình mê cung nước (Morris water maze) và trên mô hình mê lộ nhiều chữ T (Multiple T maze) của bài thuốc Minh Não Vintong.
81p vijensoo2711 11-07-2021 45 6 Download
In this study, we tested more than 170 surveys of nine different types. The software tool correctly detected all the valid answers. It was also able to detect all questions with no or multiple marks.
8p chauchaungayxua12 09-07-2021 13 2 Download
With 2 objectives: To evaluate the results of open pyelolithotomy with endoscopic support to treat multiple kidney stones at Thanh Nhan Hospital. To understand some factors related to the results of open pyelolithotomy with endoscopic support to treat multiple kidney stones at Thanh Nhan Hospital.
24p petsematary 02-06-2021 15 1 Download