National competitiveness
This thesis is concerned, centrally, with the responses to NPM from two perspectives: local government and organised labour (specifically national and international trade union organisations). Two themes recur in the policy debates around NPM: the effects on the quality of public services and the impacts on employment. Both are examined in this thesis as they had been under-researched and were overshadowed in the research literature by an economistic concern with costs and technical efficiency.
122p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 2 Download
The thesis is expected to clarify the theoretical background of competitiveness on the following aspects: academic debate on the concept of competitiveness and its application in policy-oriented works; analyzing the evolution of the concept of competitiveness based on theories of economic growth; overview of theoretical frameworks of competitiveness developed by international organizations.
27p caygaocaolon8 07-11-2020 21 5 Download
The thesis presents an analysis of the current situation of Vietnam’s high-tech exports; accordingly, relevant solutions are proposed in order to improve the export quality and foster integration into global value chain to better exploit the national competitiveness.
24p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 17 2 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to research enterprises' satisfaction with online tax services of tax authorities in Hanoi to help tax agencies improve service quality and meet requirements. demand for innovation and international integration, improve national competitiveness.
0p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 29 3 Download
Research objectives: In order to conduct the aforesaid research objective, the thesis focuses on major missions as follows, generalize and approach the trademark and principal contents for the trademark development of aquatic exports; study experience of some foreign nations in respect of developing the trademark of exported goods, including aquatic exports; thereby withdrawing lessons for Vietnam.
27p change04 08-06-2016 31 6 Download
The main researching object of the thesis research is the Vietnam electricity wholesale market. The scope of the thesis research is Vietnam national territory with the data collected during the period 2005 - 2012; research solutions and proposals for the period to 2020.
31p change05 14-06-2016 50 4 Download
Study the cooperative relationship between tourism and LCA when the urgent development of globalization and regionalization have had a tremendous impact on the enterprises, promote their association to create multi-sector services, products and tours. As a result, they will make a good profits on these services, increase international competition and contribute to the national development.
22p change06 14-06-2016 71 5 Download
In recent years, legislative and market requirements have driven the need to reduce fuel consumption while meeting increasingly stringent exhaust emissions. This trend has dictated increasing complexity in automotive engines and new approaches to engine design. A key research objective for the automotive engineering community has been the potential combination of gasoline-engine specific power with diesel-like engine efficiency in a cost-competitive, production-feasible power train.
21p minhtrong90 06-05-2013 89 5 Download
The fruit industry in Vietnam has a great potential and plays an important role in agricultural production. In 2003, Vietnam exported US$43 million of high value fruit to high-income countries and imported US$14 million of fruit and vegetables. Vietnam is experiencing difficulties in competing with other Asian nations in export markets and its own domestic market, especially with China and Thailand. This suggests that Vietnam’s horticultural industries require substantial development to be globally competitive. Vietnamese consumers are demanding safer and higher quality fruit.
61p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 84 10 Download