Nuclear structure data
The aim of this work is to focus on nuclear structure data used at low energy where electromagnetic transitions can be measured. The RIPL3 database linked to the FIFRELIN Monte Carlo code contains such data and their influence on fission observables is reviewed.
5p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 6 2 Download
In this article, we present the scientific highlights of the new 10th Edition of the Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart. The main focus of this Chart is to provide structured, accurate information on the half-lives and decay modes, as well as energies of the emitted radiation for over 4000 experimentally observed ground states and isomer nuclides to an interdisciplinary audience.
11p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 7 1 Download
Pisum sativump16 is a protein present in the chromatin of ungerminated embryonic axes. The purification of p16 and the isolationof a cDNAclone ofpsp54, the gene encoding its precursor have been recently reported [Castillo, J., Rodrigo, M. I.,Ma´rquez, J. A., Zu´n˜iga, AandFranco, L. (2000)Eur. J.Biochem.267, 2156–2165]. In thepresentpaper,wepresent data showing that p16 is a nuclear protein.
8p research12 23-04-2013 38 2 Download
The substrate specificity of the nuclear inclusion protein a (NIa) proteolytic enzymes from two potyviruses, the tobacco etch virus (TEV) and tobacco vein mottling virus (TVMV), was compared using oligopeptide substrates. Mutations were introduced into TEV protease in an effort to identify key determinants of substrate specificity. The specificity of the mutant enzymes was assessed by using peptides with complementary substitutions. The crys-tal structure of TEV protease and a homology model of TVMV protease were used to interpret the kinetic data....
0p awards 05-04-2013 38 2 Download