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Xem 1-20 trên 89 kết quả Nucleus
  • - Cytosol, môi trường lỏng bên trong tế bào bao gồm dịch tế bào và các bào quan hiện diện. - Chức năng chính của cytosol: môi trường hoạt động của tế bào, các phản ứng sinh học diễn ra trong cytosol cũng như hiện diện của hệ thống enzym nội bào. Nhân, (nucleus - trung tâm kiểm soát tế bào), bảo quản vật chất di truyền. Sự hiện diện của nhân con (nuleolus) bên trong nhân giúp sinh tổng hợp các hạt ribosome....

    pdf39p bichtram1910 22-05-2012 275 27   Download

  • Basic Cell Biology I. Cytoplasm A. Plasma membrane B. Mitochondria C. Ribosomes D. Endoplasmic reticulum 1. Rough 2. Smooth E. Golgi apparatus F. Lysosomes G. Cytoskeleton II. Nucleus A. Nuclear Envelope B. Chromatin C. Nucleolus D. Nuclear matrix III. Cell division .© 2002 by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter. .Asymmetrical arrangement of phospholipids in plasma membrane ATP-dependent phospholipid translocase .Molecular Cell Biology, Lodish et al., 4th edition. .Figure 2—1.

    pdf68p whitedaisy1010 26-02-2013 63 12   Download

  • Nhân tế bào là bào quan tối quan trọng trong tế bào sinh vật nhân chuẩn. Nó chứa các nhiễm sắc thể của tế bào, là nơi diễn ra quá trình nhân đôi DNA và tổng hợp RNA.

    ppt76p ktouch_12 25-06-2013 58 5   Download

  • As charge-neutral particles, neutrons can only interact via strong interactions and ionize via secondary reactions. Most neutron detectors consist of a material that converts neutrons into charged particles within a conventional radiation detector

    pdf33p giotletinh_hd2009 18-09-2013 48 6   Download

  • Tài liệu này hướng dẫn cách phục hồi dữ liệu do xóa nhầm, “ghost” nhầm, hay bị “format” một cách vô ý. Nội dung tài liệu gồm có 2 phần: Phần 1 - Những điều cần phải nắm khi xảy ra các lỗi gây mất mát dữ liệu; phần 2 - Sử dụng những phần mềm chuyên dụng phù hợp để khôi phục dữ liệu, khôi phục toàn bộ, khôi phục từng phần. Mời các bạn tham khảo.

    pdf28p nhanmotchut_3 20-10-2016 135 7   Download

  • Researching this topic and thesis aims to: Describe to clarify the characteristics of the agentives and the objectives in relation to the semantic nucleus. Indicate the role of the objects agentives and objectives to the realization of the types of things, the realization of the meaning of the predicates in the situation.

    pdf28p tunelove 10-06-2021 25 3   Download

  • Researching this topic and thesis aims to: Describe to clarify the characteristics of the agentives and the objectives in relation to the semantic nucleus. Indicate the role of the objects agentives and objectives to the realization of the types of things, the realization of the meaning of the predicates in the situation.

    pdf28p thebadguys 10-06-2021 18 3   Download

  • Methodology dialectical materialism is a philosophy department-specific knowledge, the nucleus is drawn from the entire Marxist - Leninist, including the perspective system, how the principles and measures for directing cognitive activities and practice of the subject.

    doc27p change01 05-05-2016 40 6   Download

  • Vì sao dữ liệu xóa đi rồi mà bạn còn có thể cứu dữ liệu lại? Nhiều bạn hỏi mình câu này. Đó là vì nếu xóa dữ liệu theo cách thông thường (cho vào thùng rác rồi empty hay bấm Shirft + Delete), thì dữ liệu chưa bị xóa di khỏi đĩa cứng đâu, đơn giản chỉ là vùng dữ liệu đó được "đánh dấu" là đã xóa, để cho phép ghi đè dữ liệu khác lên trên. Thật bất ngờ, một phần mềm không mấy đình đám, nhưng kết quả lại cực kỳ khả quan với các bước...

    pdf3p coca278 23-08-2013 113 6   Download

  • A system such as a nucleus may consist of many particles coupled together so that in any given state, the nucleus possesses a total magnetic moment  and a total angular momentum J. Two vectors may be taken as parallel.

    ppt14p sakuraphuong 03-06-2013 54 3   Download

  • Nuclear receptors (NRs) are ligand-regulated, DNA-binding transcription factors that function in the chromatin environment of the nucleus to alter the expression of subsets of hormone-responsive genes. It is clear that chromatin, rather than being a passive player, has a profound effect on both transcriptional repression and activation mediated by NRs.

    pdf9p research12 01-06-2013 32 2   Download

  • To gain insight in the subcellular localization of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF4) we analyzed GFP chimeras of full-length TRAF4 and various deletionmutants derived thereof.While TRAF4–GFP (T4– GFP) was clearlylocalized in the cytoplasm, the N-terminal deletion mutant, T4(259–470), comprising the TRAF domain of the molecule, and a C-terminal deletion mutant consisting mainlyof the RING and zinc finger domains of TRAF4 were both localized predominantlyto the nucleus....

    pdf11p research12 29-04-2013 51 4   Download

  • Na + /K + -ATPase as an energy transducing ion pump has beenstudiedextensivelysince itsdiscovery in1957.Although early findings suggested a role for Na + /K + -ATPase in regulation of cell growth and expression of various genes, only in recent years the mechanisms through which this plasma membrane enzyme communicates with the nucleus have been studied.

    pdf6p research12 29-04-2013 34 4   Download

  • The nonphotosynthetic mutant ofArabidopsis hcf152is impaired in the processing of the chloroplast polycistronic transcript, psbB-psbT-psbH-petB-petD, resulting in non-production of the essential photosynthetic cytochromeb6 f complex. The nucleus-encodedHCF152gene was identified to encode a pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein com-posed primarily of 12 PPR motifs, similar to other proteins of this family that were identified in mutants defected in chloroplast gene expression.

    pdf12p tumor12 20-04-2013 33 2   Download

  • Increasing evidence suggests that melatonin can exert some effect at nuclear level. Previous experiments using binding techniques clearly showed the existence of specificmelatonin binding sites in cell nucleus of rat liver. To further identify these sites, nuclear extracts fromrathepatocyteswere treated withdifferent percentages of ammoniumsulfate andpurified by affinity chromatography. Subsequent ligandblot analysis shows the presence of two polypeptides of 60 and 74 kDa that bind specifically to melatonin. ...

    pdf9p tumor12 20-04-2013 57 2   Download

  • Most of the examples of protein translocation across a membrane (such as the import of classical secretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum, import of proteins into mitochondria and peroxisomes, as well as protein import into and export from the nucleus), are understood in great detail.

    pdf11p fptmusic 16-04-2013 41 4   Download

  • Phylogenetic evidence is presented that primitively amito-chondriate eukaryotes containing the nucleus, cytoskele-ton, and endomembrane system may have never existed. Instead, the primary host for the mitochondrial progeni-tor may have been a chimeric prokaryote, created by fusion between an archaebacterium and a eubacterium, in which eubacterial energy metabolism (glycolysis and fermentation) was retained.

    pdf20p fptmusic 16-04-2013 37 4   Download

  • The ciliated protozoanTetrahymenahas a unique apoptosis-like process, which is called programmed nuclear death (PND). During conjugation, the new germinal micro- and somatic macro-nuclei differentiate from a zygotic fertilized nucleus, whereas the old parental macronucleus degenerates, ensuring that only the new macronucleus is responsible for expression of the progeny genotype.

    pdf10p fptmusic 12-04-2013 31 1   Download

  • Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) D⁄AUF1 functions in mRNA genesis in the nucleus and modulates mRNA decay in the cyto-plasm. Although it is primarily nuclear, it shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm. We studied the nuclear import and export of the last exon-enco-ding sequence common to all its isoforms by its expression as a green fluor-escent protein-fusion protein in HeLa cells and by heterokaryon assay.

    pdf13p fptmusic 11-04-2013 38 2   Download

  • The multisubstrate nucleoside kinase of Drosophila melanogaster(Dm-dNK) can be expressed in human solid tumor cells and its unique enzymatic properties makes this enzyme a suicide gene candidate. In the present study,Dm-dNK was stably expressed in the CCRF-CEM and H9 T-lymphoblastoid cell lines. The expressed enzyme was localized to the cell nucleus and the enzyme retained its activity.

    pdf11p fptmusic 11-04-2013 41 2   Download



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