Plane stress
Chapter 4 - State of stress and strength hypothese. The following will be discussed in this chapter: State of stress at a point, plane stress, mohr’s circle, special cases of plane stress, stress – strain relations, strength hypotheses.
33p larachdumlanat122 28-11-2020 26 1 Download
The linear elastic analysis of homogeneous, isotropic cracked bodies started in the 1900s. The existence of three dimensional corner point effects in the vicinity of a corner point where a crack front intersects a free surface was investigated in the late 1970s. An approximate solution by Bažant and Estenssoro explained some features of corner point effects but there were various paradoxes and inconsistencies.
10p tohitohi 19-05-2020 21 2 Download
Different criteria are available in the literature to assess the fracture behaviour of sharp V-notches. A typical and well-known criterion is based on the application of the notch stress intensity factors (NSIFs), which are able to quantify the intensity of the stress fields ahead of the notch tip.
8p tohitohi 19-05-2020 10 0 Download
A smidgen of science to go with this model. In a traditional airplane all of the lift, is supplied by the wings, but as speed increases this puts more and more stress on the wings, the answer as was determined years ago is to use a “lifting body”. That is a plane or as in this case a space shuttle that maximizes the strength of structure by using the body of the shuttle itself as the wings. It has not been used heavily in the aviation world, due to politics, but it was the only chance for a ship...
2p nvavan 17-02-2011 95 10 Download