Policy and management
This report provides baseline information on investigations undertaken as part of the Collaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development CARD Project 050/04VIE “Improvement of export and domestic markets for Vietnamese fruit through improved post-harvest and supply chain management”. This collaborative project is funded by AusAID and administered by Hassall and Associates International.
63p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 52 12 Download
Define the problems, decide the objectives of business in the short and in the long run, estimate the available and potential resources… Determine the tasks, activities and projects, programs...and require for the attainment of objectives. Formulate the policies, procedures, methods, standard and budgets of the plan. Examine the environmental changes, reconsider continually, searching the essential information constantly for more effective methods and improve results.
40p tuonglinh2112 05-08-2013 90 7 Download
Bài giảng Kịch bản HDH: Module 10 - Automating Windows Server® 2008 R2 Administration presented list the modules included with Windows Server 2008 R2, add and remove Windows features from the command-line, manage Group Policy objects from the command-line, use Troubleshooting Packs from the command-line.
34p connhangheo91 03-07-2014 53 4 Download
Chapter 5 - Strategic management in public sector organizations public sector organizations. Learning objectives of this chapter: To understand what "strategy", and "strategic management" mean in a public sector context; to be able to prepare a corporate strategy and business plan for their service or organization; to understand the difference between strategic management and strategic planning;...
23p tangtuy02 08-03-2016 36 5 Download
Chapter 6 - Financial management. Learning objectives of this chapter: To be aware of changes in governmental financial management systems and to understand their underlying conceptual models; to understand the context and content of each of the models discussed; to understand how each of the models is supported by its underlying disciplines.
21p tangtuy02 08-03-2016 72 4 Download
Chapter 7 - Performance mearsurement and management. Learning objectives in chapter: To be aware of the evolution of performance measurement and management in the public sector, to understand the key concepts in performance measurement, to understand the key concepts in performance management, to understand the main lessons learned in performance management, to be able to identify the main traps in performance management.
21p tangtuy02 08-03-2016 54 4 Download
Chapter 8 - Quality management. In this chapter, students will be able to: To be aware of the differences of quality management in the public and private sectors, to understand the key issues associated with quality measurement in the public sector, to be aware of the major quality assessment instruments used in the public sector, to understand the key obstacles to and success factors in quality improvement in the public sector, to understand how the quality of public governance might be assessed.
26p tangtuy02 08-03-2016 59 4 Download
Chapter 9 - Governance and government: Networking with external stakeholders. Learning objectives in chapter: To understand the key concepts of public governance, to be aware of how the role of governments is changing from policy making towards policy moderating, to be able to identify important stakeholders in public governance, to understand networks as a specific mode of public governance.
25p tangtuy02 08-03-2016 56 4 Download
Chapter 12 - Policies and disaster recovery. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Policies and procedures, privilege management, education and documentation, communication, disaster recovery, business continuity.
45p nhanmotchut_3 20-10-2016 41 6 Download
The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of intellectual capital, debt policy, company size, supply chain and liquidity on earnings per share and dividends per share as intervening variables in companies registered in the LQ 45 stock market index that consists of 45 companies for the 2014-2016 period in Indonesia. Using a purposive sampling method obtained data (panels) of 60 observation data from 20 companies.
7p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 11 1 Download
This research thesis will explore, from the results of the life experiences of families and couples who lived through the Wangary fire (South Australia, January 2005), the complexities of work, parenting, relationships, changing responsibilities and roles and sense of place. All of these factors have relevance to the review and development of bushfire management policy and related community awareness and preparedness programs.
178p runthenight07 01-03-2023 12 3 Download
This thesis intends to develop application-level access control models to address several major security issues in enterprise environments. The first goal is to provide simple and efficient authorization specifications to reduce the complexity of security management. The second goal is to provide dynamic access control for Web service applications. The third goal is to provide an access control framework for Semantic Web services. In this thesis, an Authorization-Function-Based Role-based Access Control (FB-RBAC) model is proposed for controlling enterprise systems at the application level.
182p runthenight07 01-03-2023 13 3 Download
This is a qualitative collective case study that seeks to understand the phenomena of graffiti and its related subcultures. By employing Interpretivist techniques, the research attempts to raise questions about harm minimisation, zero tolerance and graffiti, as well as broaden the debate about these distinct policy approaches for local communities. The research setting encompasses the geographic area of the Knox municipality, situated in outer eastern Melbourne.
204p runthenight07 01-03-2023 4 3 Download
This thesis is a detailed case study of implementation of an e-government initiative in Thailand-e-Revenue (the oniine tax payment system)-which is the country's most successful e-government process. This research used a single case study approach which allowed the researcher to examine the phenomenon in depth and to provide extensive understanding and explanation. The need to implement a national policy, the National IT Policy, was found to be the most critical factor in the successful implementation of the e-Revenue project.
409p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
This research is a single case study of the impact of the introduction of both information technology (software, hardware and Internet) and a company policy about IT use on the internal operations of a fire truck assembly company and its supply chain relationships. Using Action Research, the research focuses on a fire truck assembly company in Thailand, where supply chain efficiency was not improving and where costs of, and relationships with, both upstream suppliers and downstream clients in the supply chain were increasing.
306p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
Given that the implementation of mega infrastructure projects continues to fail to achieve most of their strategies and benefits, where decisions are generally guided by government policy rather than the market, the aim of the research is to investigate factors that influence organisational strategic decision-making on the implementation of mega public sector infrastructure program of projects. This also includes the exploration of an effective governance mechanism to optimise its success.
340p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
The thesis research followed a constructivist assumption to claim knowledge. The strategy of inquiry was the case study taking the multiple-case, comparative design. Three case studies were conducted in this thesis. The research method mainly relied on open-ended interviews supported by semi-structured interviews and triangulations using documentation and archival records. It basically took the qualitative approach. The three case study organisations are typical large organisations and major employers of the Hong Kong IT workforce.
360p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 3 Download
The aim of this research study "Exploring human resource management practices: an empirical study of the performing arts companies in Australia" is to explore HRM practices in the performing arts companies in Australia, using a qualitative research design and two phases of data collection. Firstly, interviews were conducted, with the overall objective to acquire richer data from key stakeholders on the perceived HRM practices in the performing arts sector, and the associated impact of the environment, for example, policy context and funding arrangements.
328p runthenight04 02-02-2023 22 3 Download
This thesis is concerned, centrally, with the responses to NPM from two perspectives: local government and organised labour (specifically national and international trade union organisations). Two themes recur in the policy debates around NPM: the effects on the quality of public services and the impacts on employment. Both are examined in this thesis as they had been under-researched and were overshadowed in the research literature by an economistic concern with costs and technical efficiency.
122p runthenight04 02-02-2023 3 2 Download
This thesis comprises an historical examination of the ‘Stay or Go’ policy of bushfire safety in Australia, with a particular focus on the state of Victoria, Australia. The bushfire management strategy practised in Victoria is unusual, in that public safety advice recommends residents take responsibility for deciding their response to a threatening fire. This approach is based on the belief that it is the most effective way to prevent losses.
312p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download