Pressurized water reactors
In BWR’s steam bubbles have a negative steam bubbles have a negative reactivity feedback, if the steam fraction reactivity feedback, if the steam fraction increases in the core the reactor power increases in the core the reactor power decreases
34p tieunhan202 07-10-2013 58 7 Download
State the mechanism for steam generation in a PWR. Using simplified diagrams, identify and explain the purpose of the major components and equipment involved with a PWR. Identify the equipment used to control reactor power.
24p giotletinh_hd2009 14-10-2013 85 8 Download
Design Philosophies: Radiological release to the environment is prevented by maintaining R/B pressure negative(-63Pa). Radioactive substance in PCV are removed and captured in the filter device.R/B Closed Cooling Water System (RCW) / Reactor Service Water System (RSW) How are the many Heat exchangers cooled down?
33p giotletinh_hd2009 14-10-2013 88 7 Download
The capability of eddy current testing (ECT) for the bottom mounted instrumentation (BMI) weld area of reactor vessel in a pressurized water reactor was demonstrated by the developed ECT system and procedure.
8p christabelhuynh 31-05-2020 19 0 Download
This article discusses the evolution of the collective dose for several types of reactors, mainly based on publications from the NEA and the IAEA.
8p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 21 0 Download
This process periodically speeds up the corrosion of the zirconium cladding in the aqueous coolant due to the breakaway of the dense part of oxide scale when its thickness reaches 2 mkm. It is shown that the electronic resistivity of zirconia is not limiting the zirconium oxidation at working temperatures.
5p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 12 1 Download
The objective of this work is to experimentally investigate the effect of the oxygen potential on the fuel and FP chemical behaviour in conditions representative of a severe accident. More specifically, the speciation of Cs, Mo and Ba is investigated.
10p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 11 3 Download
The present work aims at improving our understanding of nefarious reorganisation phenomena observed by numerous studies in the flow large-scale structures. 3D simulations allowed identifying two distinct reorganisations consisting in a sign change for either a transverse velocity in rod-to-rod gaps or for a subchannel vortex.
7p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 10 0 Download