Process environment
The purpose of the topic is to help students have more chances to interact and experience with English, create a language practice environment where learning and using English can take place at all times. In this process, Students can react flexible in all situations by using topics, differents areas of knowledge being suitable for Vietnamese culture, customs and habits. With simple activities and the simplest space like the classroom, students have the opportunity to experience, use foreign languages in real situations, actively support for the regular class time.
43p tueman07 21-08-2023 14 5 Download
Hệ điều hành là gì? Tổ chức hệ thống máy tính (Computer-System Organization) Kiến trúc hệ thống máy tính (Computer-System Architecture) Cấu trúc hệ điều hành (Operating-System Structure) Các hoạt động hệ điều hành (Operating-System Operations) Quản trị quá trình (Process Management) Quản trị bộ nhớ (Memory Management) Quản trị lưu trữ (Storage Management) Bảo vệ và an ninh (Protection and Security) Các hệ thống phân tán (Distributed Systems) Các hệ thống mục đích đặc biệt (Special-Purpose Systems) Môi trường tính toán (Computing Environments)...
40p nghiapro512 22-09-2012 169 38 Download
Hệ điều hành là gì? Tổ chức hệ thống máy tính (Computer-System Organization) Kiến trúc hệ thống máy tính (Computer-System Architecture) Cấu trúc hệ điều hành (Operating-System Structure) Các hoạt động hệ điều hành (Operating-System Operations) Quản trị quá trình (Process Management) Quản trị bộ nhớ (Memory Management) Quản trị lưu trữ (Storage Management) Bảo vệ và an ninh (Protection and Security) Các hệ thống phân tán (Distributed Systems) Các hệ thống mục đích đặc biệt (Special-Purpose Systems) Môi trường tính toán (Computing Environments)...
40p duytan7697 13-06-2013 86 16 Download
• History and background of IT Audit • Try to address the gap that exists between financial audit and information technology audit • What is involved in IT general controls and automated application controls • Discuss an approach that will aide in the identification and testing of IT controls • Roles and responsibilities for IT and financial auditors
22p hoadat_1990 12-07-2013 101 9 Download
Bài giảng "Bảo mật cơ sở dữ liệu - Chapter 7: Database auditing models" trình bày các nội dung: Gain an overview of auditing fundamentals, understand the database auditing environment, create a flowchart of the auditing process, list the basic objectives of an audit. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
49p thangnamvoiva20 20-09-2016 97 9 Download
Lecture "Marketing management - Chapter 7" presentation of content: Traditional 4Ps extended to cope with today's changing environment, the marketing mix, các phương pháp định giá, people, process, physical environment,... And other contents.
36p bautroibinhyen11 03-01-2017 53 5 Download
In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: What operating systems do, computer-system organization, computer-system architecture, operating-system structure, operating-system operations, process management, memory management, storage management, protection and security, kernel data structures, computing environments, open-source operating systems
58p dien_vi02 07-10-2018 42 2 Download
The article discloses methodological approaches to quantifying the level of penetration of block chain technologies into the regional socioeconomic environment in comparison to the supply chain strategies. Based on the methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, it allows you to formalize and convert a large array of data of a qualitative order into a single scale for measuring the process under study - the level of demand in the regional socio-economic environment for block chain technology.
6p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 2 1 Download
This study is focused on board members, their roles and the processes they employ in the NFP environment. In doing so, it seeks to understand board members’ behaviours, interactions and personal perspectives with respect to their roles. The study also considers the unique challenges board members encounter in the NFP context and how they deal with such challenges.
314p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 2 Download
This research develops a rich theoretical and empirical understanding of embeddedness by way of three dimensions (structural, relational and cultural), and investigates its implications for actors’ value co-creation behaviours and value-in-context outcomes. In addition, the research refines co-creation perspectives by examining a central boundary condition of co-creation processes. The data was collected in an online service environment and was analysed using structural equation modelling techniques.
183p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 2 Download
In this Masters thesis computational modelling techniques were employed to investigate iron-free apo-Lactoferrin (apo-Lf) structural conformation changes in the presence of variant temperature and pH. These conditions represent the environment most milk protein goes through in food processing and the production of food products.
162p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how metaphor-based interactions can enhance the behavioural interactions in project environments to deliver better outcomes. It documents the processes and findings from an action research program to investigate the impact of combining metaphor, conversation and reflective practice techniques into a new model, the Reflective Performance Cycle (RPC) to stimulate richer and more productive interactions between project team members.
217p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The research extends the understanding of these factors through the incorporation of Absorptive Capacity (ACAP). Accordingly, a model is developed that integrates ACAP, MVC and MV with market-driving innovation performance, comprising before-launch stage performance, post-launch stage performance and financial performance. External and internal structural factors relevant to the firm such as size and the nature of its competitive environment are also considered as moderators in the model.
440p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
Modelling the diffusion of mobile commerce in a country is a difficult task due to the non-linear, complex and uncertain nature of its operating environment. Conventional analytical techniques are of limited use in this context, and a System Dynamics approach is more appropriate to model such a complex system.
295p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
In this study, we tested more than 170 surveys of nine different types. The software tool correctly detected all the valid answers. It was also able to detect all questions with no or multiple marks.
8p chauchaungayxua12 09-07-2021 15 2 Download
Objectives: In pointing out this topic, we focus on surveying some language - cultural characteristics of Nghe Tinh agriculture vovabulary on basic aspects (structure, semantics - identification, culture) for vocabulary classes have been surveyed in agreement with certain criterias. The specific vocabulary classes are: class of tools, instruments, varieties or breeds, farmlands; class of agricultural processes and activities; class of products and finished products; class of environment, seasonal.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 8 3 Download
The thesis complements and deepens the contents of commercial sustainable development in sustainable economic development of localities and economic regions. The thesis confirms that commercial sustainable development is essentially a process of sustainable development of local commercial activities or greening commercial activities in the province. The thesis clarifies the creation of an environment for sustainable development of commerce of the province through basic factors such as policies, infrastructure, enterprises and human resources.
30p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 44 3 Download
This work aimed to study and analysis the various risk associated with different environment. The selected method consists of market risks and operating risks.
10p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 28 4 Download
Strategic planning is a set of intentions expressed as a plan. The plan turns the intentions into reality by focusing on the broad future of the organization based on an analysis of the external and internal environment.
6p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 34 3 Download
The article is devoted to some aspects of research of hostile environment influence on the concrete durability. The mechanism of formation of chaotically diversified difficult structure is described. Chemical interactions of cement with active components of diffusion in steam space are examined.
7p tohitohi 19-05-2020 17 1 Download