Process of Performance Planning
Theoretical aim: An overview study of the production process, physicochemical properties and applicability of 2.5-dimethylfuran on on internal combustion engines (especially SI engines) to determine the reasearch gap, scope and plan; the theoretical basis study of combustion and emission of SI engines using DMF as fuel to examine the technical parameters and emissions of the engine when using DMF-gasoline blends on a gasoline engine.
28p closefriend09 16-11-2021 25 6 Download
This paper aims to study Bell Curve Method of Performance Appraisal which is widely used for this purpose, and any alternatives that can help the organizations assess its employees better, thereby helping them develop and retain the high performers.
5p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 33 4 Download
Course Objectives This course is the first in a series of courses that cover the core database administrator tasks. The tasks covered in this course are: Outlining the Oracle architecture Planning and creating databases Managing the memory, process, physical, and logical structures Managing database users by controlling and monitoring their actions Using the Globalization Support features
4p trinh02 28-01-2013 61 4 Download
Improve the potential of the horticultural industries–export & domestic marketing•Work with established supply chains (a pomelo and a mango supply chain)•Demonstrate the processes of strategic plan development and implementation to the selected supply chains •Assist in implementing the strategic plan •Evaluate performance
51p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 57 7 Download
Identify and describe the processes associated with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®) area called project communications management, which includes project communications planning, information distribution, performance reporting, and administrative closure.
17p kasiama 14-12-2009 117 22 Download