Product index
Sau khi học xong chương 2 Dữ liệu kinh tế vĩ mô nằm trong bài giảng Kinh tế vĩ mô sinh viên hiểu được ý nghĩa và phương pháp đo lường các chỉ số thống kê kinh tế vĩ mô quan trọng nhất. Tổng sản phẩm nội địa - Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Chỉ số giá tiêu dùng - The Consumer Price Index (CPI).
60p sms_12 06-05-2014 522 70 Download
Bài giảng Kinh tế học vĩ mô 1: Chương 2 cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Tổng sản phẩm trong nước (Gross Domestic Product - GDP), các chỉ tiêu đo lường thu nhập khác, chỉ số giá tiêu dùng (Consumption Price Index - CPI),...
32p sangbanmai_0906 17-01-2018 58 4 Download
Coursework assignment Business analysis has present the content: the implementation of direct material cost in July, performance of the production manager for the month of July, form of material cost analyzing report, analyze the profitability and liquidity of the company in 2021 by benchmarking the textile industry index,...
9p duykhoa1801 23-05-2022 39 4 Download
This article aims at focusing on the facts in the financial series of Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) and its determinants. The study considers Exchange Rate, Consumer Price Index, Index of Industrial production, SENSEX, NIFTY and Foreign Exchange Reserve as determinants.
11p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 17 4 Download
This study examined the impact of the capital market on Nigerian economy. Time series data were collected on Real Gross Domestic Product, Market Capitalization, All Share Index and Turnover Ratio from 1981 - 2014.
9p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 23 4 Download
For the case study the objective is to create and develop a questionnaire up to the point of content validity. The final results gave a product of a questionnaire of 48 items and a content validity accepted with a value of a “V” of Aiken and accordance proportions indexes above of 0.80 in all the items.
13p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 19 0 Download
(v): Ghi vào mục lục - Cost of living index (n): Chỉ số giá sinh hoạt - Dow jones index (n): Chỉ số Đao Giôn - Price and wages index (n): Chỉ số giá và lượng - Production index (n): Chỉ số sản xuất - Retail price index (n): Chỉ số giá bán lẻ - Unweighted index (n): Chỉ số bất quân bình - Volume index of exports (n): Chỉ số khối lượng hàng xuất khẩu - Weighted index (n): Chỉ số quân bình - Whole sale price index (n): Chỉ số giá bán buôn (bán sỉ) - Commodity price index...
4p hoangliensonnhi 24-07-2013 450 110 Download
We prove that in every finitely generated profinite group, every subgroup of finite index is open; this implies that the topology on such groups is determined by the algebraic structure. This is deduced from the main result about finite groups: let w be a ‘locally finite’ group word and d ∈ N. Then there exists f = f (w, d) such that in every d-generator finite group G, every element of the verbal subgroup w(G) is equal to a product of f w-values.
69p noel_noel 17-01-2013 48 7 Download
In 1970 Alexander Grothendieck [6] posed the following problem: let Γ1 and Γ2 be finitely presented, residually finite groups, and let u : Γ1 → Γ2 be a ˆ homomorphism such that the induced map of profinite completions u : Γ1 → Γ2 ˆ ˆ is an isomorphism; does it follow that u is an isomorphism? In this paper we settle this problem by exhibiting pairs of groups u : P → Γ such that Γ is a direct product of two residually finite, hyperbolic groups, P is a finitely presented subgroup of infinite index, P is not...
16p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 52 5 Download
DREAWEAVE R8 SITE CỤC BỘ BÀI 6 NGÀY 4.8.2006 SOẠN THEO SÁCH KS TRẦN VIỆT AN I.MỘT SỐ ĐỊNH NGHĨA : 1. FOLDER GỐC CỤC BỘ : Thiết kế Web lưu trong 1 Folder ở ổ cứng , mở ra xem Folder nầy . Folder nầy chứa các Files và Folder con. 2. Folder gốc cục bộ có tên ( Ví Dụ ) MY COMPANY , gồm có : Folder CompanyInfo. Folder Images . Folder Products. 3. Khi mở Trang Web : Trang index ( Nằm trong Folder Gốc cục bộ ). 4. Các Site Tỉnh : Đó là...
4p tengteng14 20-12-2011 81 6 Download
Liver fibrosis ranks as the second cause of death in México's productive-age population. This pathology is characterized by acummulation of fibrillar proteins in hepatic parenchyma causing synthetic and metabolic disfunction. Remotion of excessive fibrous proteins might result in benefit for subjects increasing survival index. The goal of this work was to find whether the already known therapeutical effect of human urokinase Plasminogen Activator and human Matrix Metalloprotease 8 extends survival index in cirrhotic animals.
9p toshiba23 18-11-2011 49 3 Download
The present study was aimed at improving the extraction efficiency and quality of natural pineapple (Annanas comosus) juice. Pectinase Preparations, viz. Pectinex Ultra SP-L and Pectinex 3XL were applied for cayenne pineapples produced in §ong Giao corporation. The optimal conditions for Pectinex Ultra SP-L and Pectinex 3XL were selected. Pectinex Ultra SP-L increased the extraction rate by 19,9%. Pectinex 3XL increased T index of the natural pineapple juice. The scheme for its production was proposed....
6p vanthang122141 07-05-2011 213 49 Download
Để giúp cho những bạn mới làm quen với Excel, mình xin trình bày một số hàm thông dụng sau:Hàm LEFT, Hàm RIGHT, Hàm MID, Hàm LEN, Hàm VALUE, Hàm PRODUCT, Hàm MIN, Hàm MAX, Hàm AVERAGE, Hàm SUM, Hàm IF, Hàm VLOOKUP, Hàm HLOOKUP, Hàm INDEX, Hàm MATCH,...
9p nguyenducthehb 24-08-2010 1823 681 Download
Section 12.0 Product Index Index by product number Index by product name Index by document number 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.0 .Product Index Index by product number Product No. 1808 Page 7.8.25 7.8.28 7.8.39 - 7.8.43 5.6.7 5.6.9 4.5.1 - 4.5.5 4.5.1 - 4.5.5 5.6.21 5.6.25 7.14.9 5.6.23 5.6.25 7.14.9 7.1.11 5.3.13 2.11.3 7.12.15 7.12.17 7.12.9 7.12.11 7.12.13 7.12.21 7.12.19 7.12.19 7.12.23 9.5.1 2.3.45 6.1.1 6.1.3 6.1.5 6.1.7 7.12.1 7.12.3 7.12.5 7.12.7 2.11.5 2.4.3 2.4.5 2.4.7 2.4.7 2.4.1 2.4.11 2.4.11 2.4.13 2.4.15 4.5.7 4.5.11 4.5.7 4.5.
16p chaucogido 30-01-2010 102 15 Download