Projective structures
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis – Thực hành kết cấu khung thép Mục đích của bài này là trình bày cách định nghĩa, phân tích và báo cáo sự phát sing của một khung thép đơn giản trong Robot. 1 BẮT ĐẦU DỰ ÁN MỚI 1.1 Tạo dự án 1. Ra lệnh bằng một trong các cách sau: • • • 2. Trên trình đơn: File New project. Thanh công cụ: Bàn phím: Ctrl+N. Các mô đun tính toán hiện ra. Xem chức năng của từng mô đun tại bài “Giới thiệu tổng quát”. Nhấn chọn một trong các mô đun sơ đồ...
34p nguyennam129 23-03-2013 252 82 Download
In this research, first-principle calculations have been performed to study the geometry structure and electronic properties of ZnO. All possible exchange-correlation energy functionals were used to perform geometry optimization of ZnO in order to find the efficient calculation conditions.
10p vibenya 31-12-2024 1 1 Download
Những nội dung chính trong chương gồm: Overview of Web Application Development, introduction to ASP.NET MVC, architecture of ASP.NET MVC App, creating an ASP.NET MVC Project, structure of an ASP.NET MVC Project. Mời các bạn tham khảo.
33p estupendo1 06-08-2016 161 12 Download
Lecture Information technology project management (Eighth Edition): Chapter 2, after studying this section will help you understand: Describe the systems view of project management and how it applies to information technology (IT) projects; Understand organizations, including the four frames, organizational structures, and organizational culture; Explain why stakeholder management and top management commitment are critical for a project’s success.
44p cuchoami2510 18-02-2022 30 7 Download
The aim of this Master of Engineering (MEng) - Aerospace thesis is to study the structural response and failure of aerospace grade composites during exposure to fire. Key aspects of the research are to analyse the thermal and mechanical responses of laminates and sandwich composites in high temperature and fire environments, which result in softening and structural failure. The research is concentrated on carbon/epoxy laminates and sandwich composites, which are the most common composite materials used in aerospace structures.
209p runthenight05 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
The aim of the research was the processing of the vibration signatures from healthy and damaged composite beams acquired with the help of a Scanning Laser Vibrometer (SLV) upon excitation and analysis of the mode shapes acquired for damage detection. The displacement mode shapes acquired were then converted into curvature mode shapes with the help of a Central Difference Approximation method (CDA).
146p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
This research project investigates the influence of decoration and decorating on a fashion design practice, exploring the transformative effects of both in relation to surface and structure. Decoration is considered an after-effect, an element that can be differentiated from the object it adheres to, sometimes making it superfluous to the object’s function. In this project I consider decoration as having its own function – the ability, through its link to the ‘exterior’ world, to transform the shape, appearance and materials of forms by modifying their facade.
100p runthenight07 01-03-2023 13 4 Download
This research achieved its objectives of: Identify key attributes and variables that influences the design of a PPP Project; Identify key actions and events that influence the outcomes generated by a PPP project; Model design attributes and variables, and actions and outcomes found in PPP literature; Evaluate Australian practice as demonstrated in a case study, using the benchmark model; Discuss findings and present conclusions.
146p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
This thesis develops a contingency-based model for competitive advantage, tested over time on a sample of rapidly growing small-to-medium enterprises. Incorporating two independent studies, the project addresses interactions between specific elements of strategic orientation, strategic behaviour, firm performance, while examining the moderating role of environmental turbulence.
243p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The thesis research followed a constructivist assumption to claim knowledge. The strategy of inquiry was the case study taking the multiple-case, comparative design. Three case studies were conducted in this thesis. The research method mainly relied on open-ended interviews supported by semi-structured interviews and triangulations using documentation and archival records. It basically took the qualitative approach. The three case study organisations are typical large organisations and major employers of the Hong Kong IT workforce.
360p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 3 Download
Within the urban landscape, the tempo of destruction and redevelopment of our built environment reveals a palimpsest of change. The abandonment of these sites could go unnoticed, often a fleeting moment before destruction, with the next structure then re-cloaking the land. This research project locates itself spatially and conceptually within this pause or transitional state of select sites. It utilises this brief period of time to consider how these sites can offer poetic information and new readings as creative practice, despite their impending obsolescence.
135p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 2 Download
The thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 1 reviews the literature and outlines the importance of blood, clinical use of blood, current methods of blood collection including alternative methods and the benefits of DBS. Chapter 2 summaries the overall methods used in the project. Chapter 3 explains the utility of hemaPEN® from both the collection and analytical perspective. Chapter 4 expands on the HCT bias associated with standard DBS method. Chapter 5 expands on the use of DBS in other fields such as genomic and epigenomics.
164p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This thesis highlights several conflicting and intriguingly perplexing attributes about India that make it a unique country amongst other emerging markets, thus necessitating research focussed on India. This thesis develops a comprehensive framework which projects India as a common-law country with business structures and corporate governance models resembling civil-law countries, yet is distant from either of the two with respect to its sociocultural anthropological attributes.
501p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 4 Download
The aim of this project was to design, fabricate and characterise multifunctional structural composites incorporating phase change materials for thermal management applications. The specific research objectives to achieve this goal were formulated as follows: Investigate effective methods to integrate microencapsulated PCMs into glass fibrereinforced epoxy composites; Evaluate the mechanical properties of micro-PCMs enhanced FRP composites and investigate associated failure mechanisms; Study the thermal management effectiveness of micro-PCMs enhanced FRP composites.
125p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 3 Download
This research project investigates the influence of decoration and decorating on a fashion design practice, exploring the transformative effects of both in relation to surface and structure. Decoration is considered an after-effect, an element that can be differentiated from the object it adheres to, sometimes making it superfluous to the object’s function. In this project I consider decoration as having its own function – the ability, through its link to the ‘exterior’ world, to transform the shape, appearance and materials of forms by modifying their façade.
100p runordie3 06-07-2022 19 4 Download
Đề tài dựa theo những ý tưởng được gợi ý từ bài nghiên cứu “Capital structure and large investment projects” của Evan Dudley (2012). Với những dữ liệu thu thập được từ các công ty niêm yết trên 2 sàn chứng khoán HOSE và HNX phù hợp với yêu cầu đặt ra về các biến cần nghiên cứu, tác giả hoàn toàn có thể kiểm định và trả lời được các câu hỏi nghiên cứu.
101p sonhalenh01 17-06-2021 16 4 Download
This paper describes six projects, most of which are part of the research portfolio of the EERA JPNM, devoted to qualification, modelling and development of structural and fuel materials for advanced and innovative nuclear systems, with also two examples of projects addressing issues of cross-cutting interest through fusion and fission.
7p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 11 1 Download
The main objective of the present study is to investigate the risk factors influencing on construction firm’s project success in Pakistan. The study uses the partial least square structural equation modelling technique to analyse the data collected from 61 construction firms.
10p tohitohi 22-05-2020 20 2 Download
Project name "Implementation Model" this section describes the overall structure of the implementation model, the decomposition of the software into layers and subsystems in the implementation model, and any architecturally significant components.
5p xaydungk23 30-12-2015 45 3 Download
The organization of Arabidopsis thaliana photosystem II (PSII) and its associated light-harvesting antenna (LHCII) was studied in isolated PSII–LHCII supercomplexes and native membrane-bound crystals by transmission electron microscopy and image analysis. Over 4000 single-particle projections of PSII– LHCII supercomplexes were analyzed. In comparison to spinach supercomplexes [Boekema, E.J., van Roon, H., van Breemen, J.F.L. & Dekker, J.P. (1999) Eur. J. Biochem.
9p system191 01-06-2013 31 4 Download