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Property exploitation

Xem 1-4 trên 4 kết quả Property exploitation
  • Intellectual Property (IP) is society’s recognition of intellectual efforts. It is a monopoly granted in exchange for the contribution of intellectual creations to the society. It is an intangible property. The use of IP by a third party does not deprive the owner of his right of enjoyment. As such, an IP right is a right to restrain others from using that right. The extent of this right is dependent upon the scope of the ability granted by the law to restrain its use. The wider the scope given, the greater the monopoly an...

    ppt174p hoangyen999 04-05-2013 95 8   Download

  • The low affinity of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) to hybridize with DNA in the presence of a mismatch endows PNA with a high degree of discriminat-ory capacity that has been exploited in therapeutics for the selective inhibi-tion of the expression of point-mutated genes. To obtain a structural basis for this intriguing property, molecular dynamics simulations are carried out on PNAÆDNA duplexes formed at the Ki-ras proto-oncogene, compri-sing the point-mutated (GAT), and the corresponding wild-type (GGT) codon 12. ...

    pdf16p fptmusic 11-04-2013 56 2   Download

  • HIV-1 protease is a pivotal enzyme in the later stages of the viral life cycle which is responsible for the processing and maturation of the virus particle into an infectious virion. As such,HIV-1proteasehasbecomean important target for the treatment ofAIDS, and efficient drugs have beendeveloped. However, negative side effects and fast emerging resistance to the current drugs have necessitated the development of novel chemical entities in order to exploit different phar-macokinetic properties as well as new interaction patterns....

    pdf9p awards 05-04-2013 33 2   Download

  • Although the type-2 ribosome-inactivatingproteins (SNA-I, SNA-V, SNLRP) from elderberry (Sambucus nigraL.) are all devoid of rRNAN-glycosylase activity towards plant ribosomes, some of them clearly show polynucleotide– adenosine glycosylase activity towards tobaccomosaic virus RNA. This particular substrate specificity was exploited to further unravel the mechanism underlying the in planta antiviral activity of ribosome-inactivating proteins. Trans-genic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacumL.

    pdf8p dell39 03-04-2013 41 4   Download



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