Randomized block design
Trong chương này chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu những nội dung chính sau: Mô hình thí nghiệm hoàn toàn ngẫu nhiên (Completely randomized Design - CRD), mô hình thí nghiệm khối ngẫu nhiên (Randomized complete block design - RCBD), khối ngẫu nhiên với nhiều đơn vị thí nghiệm ở một nghiệm thức và khối, mô hình thí nghiệm ô vuông La tinh. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
24p nhanmotchut_3 29-10-2016 446 23 Download
The present experiment was carried out during July 2019 to December 2019 in Central horticulture research farm of Department of Horticulture, SHUATS, Prayagraj. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Block Design with 15 treatment replicated thrice.
7p chauchaungayxua11 23-03-2021 19 4 Download
Twenty one genotypes including check Krishna were evaluated in randomized block design with three replications during kharif-2017 at research farm of TCA, Dholi for estimation of genetic variability among them. Genotypes varied significantly for all the morpho-physiological characters indicating the presence of considerable variability among the genotypes. Significant bidirectional shift was observed in the mean values as compared to better check, thus provided scope for selection.
5p angicungduoc6 22-07-2020 19 2 Download
Source and sink activity measured after anthesis in six poplar rice cultivars. The experiment was laid in randomized block design with six cultivars MTU-1001, MTU1010, MTU-7029, BPT-2231, BPT-3291 and BPT-5204 replicated four times. After anthesis, top three leaves separately, top three internodes collectively, panicle axis and grain of main culm were sampled at seven day interval and analysed for biochemical parameters that serve remobilization of nutrients. During the initial and later halves of the sampling, there was a shift in higher amylase activity from third to flag leaves.
8p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 11 1 Download
A Field experiment was conducted at college form, agricultural college bapatla in clay loam soils during Rabi 2013-14 to study the effects of Ethrel, kinetin and boron foliar application on physiology of growth, development and yield of chickpea (Var. KAK 2) in randomized block design with eight treatments viz., 250ppm Ethrel at 25 DAS (T1), 10 ppm kinetin at 35 DAS (T2), 0.25% boron at 45 DAS (T3), 250 ppm Ethrel at 25DAS + 10 ppm Kinetin at 35DAS (T4), 10 ppm Kinetin at 35DAS + 0.25% boron at 45 DAS (T5), 250 ppm Ethrel at 25DAS + 0.
8p gaocaolon5 14-06-2020 26 2 Download
An investigation was carried out at Norman E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre of G. B. Pant Univ. Agric. & Tech. Pantnagar, U. S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, India in order to study the influence of long-term applications of fertilizers and manures on different soil physical properties after forty two cycles in silty clay loam textured Typic Haplustept under ricewheat cropping sequence during 2012-13. The field was laid out in a randomized block design comprising of ten treatments.
9p nguaconbaynhay5 16-05-2020 21 1 Download
Chapter 11 - Statistical inferences for population variances. After mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the basic terminology and concepts of experimental design, compare several different population means by using a one-way analysis of variance, compare treatment effects and block effects by using a randomized block design,...
9p whocare_b 05-09-2016 45 3 Download
Chapter 12 - Experimental design and analysis of variance. After mastering the material in this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the basic terminology and concepts of experimental design, compare several different population means by using a one-way analysis of variance, compare treatment effects and block effects by using a randomized block design.
12p whocare_b 05-09-2016 51 2 Download