References in english
Graduation thesis "A study on the application of Shadowing techniques to improve pronunciation competence of freshmen at Hai Phong University of Management and Technology" is conducted with the hope to: the first-year students study in the right direction and effectively in the beginner program, spend time studying and practicing every day, improving their pronunciation quickly. Foreign language learners have a new perspective on foreign language learning through masking.
58p daonhiennhien 03-07-2024 13 4 Download
The thesis "Stability of some classes of degenerate two-phase difference systems with delay" is to study the stability of degenerate two-phase systems with mixed delay in the direction of variation; Stability and dissipation in finite domain of degenerate 2-D system with variable delay; Evaluation of the gain set and control design for a degenerate 2-D system in the Roesser model with variable delay;... Please refer to it!
120p gaupanda019 21-03-2024 5 1 Download
The objective of my research is to develop a body of work for exhibition based on an examination of the ways that corporate space, as exemplified by the foyers and conference rooms of contemporary corporate offices, reflect societal anxieties about wealth and power. These works will draw on the history of painting, with particular reference to 17th century Dutch still life painting, as a framework within which to conduct the exploration of contemporary space.
202p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 4 Download
The main aims of physical geodesy are to study the shape of the Earth, its gravity field and the geoid which is an equipotential surface closest to the mean sea level. Precise geoid determination has been an important research topic in geodesy and geophysics in the past two decades. Scientists and government agencies all around the world have made great efforts on the development of highaccuracy geoid models.
182p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
Model Predictive Control (MPC) refers to a class of algorithms that optimize the future behavior of the plant subject to operational constraints. The merits of the class algorithms include its ability to handle imposed hard constraints on the system and perform on-line optimization. This thesis investigates design and implementation of continuous time model predictive control using Laguerre polynomials and extends the design approaches proposed in to include intermittent predictive control, as well as to include the case of the nonlinear predictive control.
162p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 4 Download
The aim of this research was to investigate the formation of hydrogen sulphide for different sewage characteristics and flow rates. An experimental set-up was developed to simulate a section of a gravity sewer pipe, the set-up comprised of a pipe of 2 m long and 155 mm inside diameter, referred to in this thesis as a laboratory sewer pipe. The first stage of the experimental program involved developing a biological growth rich in sulphate-reducing bacteria inside the laboratory sewer pipe using synthetic sewage.
131p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
This thesis explores the process by which Chinese universities carry out strategy formation. It aims to provide an insight into the lives of the managers of Chinese universities in the period 2002-2003 which was a time of transition from the regime of President Jiang Zemin to that of President Hu Jintao. Chinese refer to this period as the transition from the third to the fourth generation of leaders. Strategy was defined as a course of action aimed at achieving an organization's purpose and strategy formation was defined as including strategy development and implementation.
294p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 1 Download
The organisation of the thesis will follow a seven-chapter structure. The researcher will use the term thesis as used by Perry (1994) to describe the entire work, while the related terms research and study will be used interchangeably when referring to the research undertaken in the thesis. This thesis could make a significant contribution to the social control literature by addressing these shortcomings and identifying and examining the formal and informal mechanisms used conjointly by the government and its agencies to control social security expenditures and also social outcomes.
350p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 2 Download
The focus of this study is on two of these factors: gender stereotyping and bullying. Gender stereotypes are the beliefs and attitudes that are presumed to distinguish between women and men (Rollero, Glick & Tartaglia, 2014), while bullying can be referred to as the repeated acts of an individual or group with the intention to harman individual holding an inferior position of power (Goldsmid & Howie 2014). While these two separate issues can occur independent of one another and in combination, gender based stereotyping and bullying both form critical barriers to female professionals.
144p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
The main aims of physical geodesy are to study the shape of the Earth, its gravity field and the geoid which is an equipotential surface closest to the mean sea level. Precise geoid determination has been an important research topic in geodesy and geophysics in the past two decades. Scientists and government agencies all around the world have made great efforts on the development of high-accuracy geoid models.
182p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 3 Download
Master's thesis of Science "Investigation into the modulation of circadian clock proteins by dietary compounds and small molecules" is structured as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 2 Identification of novel bioactive compounds from Olea europaea by evaluation of chemical compounds in the OliveNetTM library: in silico bioactivity and molecular modelling, and in vitro validation of hERG activity; Chapter 3 Modulation of circadian core clock proteins by dietary compounds; Chapter 4 Molecular mechanisms of action of selected olive phenolics against epigenetic modifiers and the structur...
235p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 3 Download
The research "A study on complex sentences in English with reference to Vietnamese" is giving the definition of English complex sentences and its semantic, functions; identifying common mistakes made by Vietnamese learners; describing and clarifying different types of English complex sentences.
59p vuhuyennhi 06-09-2022 24 11 Download
The main purposes of the this study are: To examine the state of references to different cultural groups and cultural categories presented in the reading passages of the textbook English 12; to find out the learners‟ attitudes and expectations on cultural contents in the textbook English 12 and their culture learning at Phuc Tho high school; to give some pedagogical implications that may raise students‟ cultural awareness and hope to contribute some possitive changes in teaching and learning English in the current context at Phuc Tho High school.
72p closefriend09 16-11-2021 25 4 Download
This study is carried out with the aims of making the writer’s job easier when she works as a translator in Hoan Kiem dental clinic, Hai Phong city. Simultaneously, the study is the reference source for the people who are concerned about the dentistry industry.
75p closefriend09 16-11-2021 33 5 Download
The dissertation has five chapters and a list of references. The chapters concentrate on the following issues: In Chapter 1, we recall some classical results of the problem and some basic concepts from variational analysis and nonsmooth analysis. In Chapter 2, we investigate some new models of nonlinear nonlocal regularity; Chapter 3 is devoted to the study of metric perturbation of Milyutin-type regularity on a fixed set under composition of a set-valued mapping and a Lipschitz single-valued mapping;...
145p visteveballmer 06-11-2021 15 3 Download
Objectives of the study: the western – eastern discourse of Pham Quynh and Nhat Linh. The scope of the study: All the documents surveyed in this thesis (see: References).
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 13 5 Download
The present study investigates teachers‘ perceptions of the values of the CEFR, the perceived readiness and necessity of its application, and the work involved in its application process. Also, it explores teachers‘ responses to the use of the CEFR to renew the general English curriculum, reflected in how they changed their teaching activities, adapted the assigned textbooks and modified their assessment practice. The study was a case study applying the mixed method sequential explanatory model (Creswell & Clark, 2007).
201p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 31 3 Download
The thesis consists of 135 pages, including 21 tables of data, 50 figures and 144 references. The structure of the thesis consists of: Introduction: 4 pages; Overview: 32 pages; Experimental part: 13 pages; Results and discussion: 63 pages; Recent contributions of the thesis: 1 page; The list of published works: 2 pages; References: 18 pages. There is also an appendix containing the spectrums and diagrams that measure the characteristics and properties of components and AG/CS/LOV, AG/CS/LOV/ginsenoside Rb1 composites with 11 pages.
30p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 30 3 Download
This research is based on both theoretical discussion and data analysis. The theoretical background was selected with reference to many sources such as books, articles, and websites. All the data has been carefully collected and analyzed to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the two languages and cultures.
52p nguathienthan12 18-05-2021 48 4 Download
The dissertation comprises of EIGHT chapters, reference lists and appendix lists which have been discussed briefly in the subsequent sections. The key findings of the study are as below: A long-run relationship exists between exports and GDP of Vietnam and shows a substantial long-run contribution of exports in the real GDP. A short-run relationship also exists between them.
30p acacia2510 11-05-2021 18 2 Download