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Report choice

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  • Primary and secondary reconstruction of the thumb is a common reconstructive challenge for the hand and plastic surgeons. Currently, The kite flap or the First dorsal metacarpal artery flap remains the regular choice and is believed to be the best for distal thumb defects, but it’s the first time we have utilized a reverse homodigital dorsal radial flap for the thumb with an expected outcome.

    pdf5p vinatisu 29-08-2024 5 1   Download

  • This thesis is presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the College of Business, RMIT University. It includes five scientific papers which have been submitted and are currently under review or accepted for publication in targeted journals. These papers comprise one conceptual paper and four empirical papers.

    pdf259p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 3   Download

  • The ESR1 gene encodes Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERα), which plays a role in the tumourigenesis of breast cancer. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in intron 1 of this gene called ESR1 PvuII (rs2234693) has been reported to increase the risk of breast cancer. This study aimed to investigate the ESR1 PvuII polymorphism as a prognostic and predictive factor guiding the choice of therapy for advanced breast cancer.

    pdf7p vielonmusk 21-01-2022 39 1   Download

  • This research investigated the report choices used for corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and the determinants of CSR disclosure of firms listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Since 2014, firms listed on the SET have been required to disclose CSR in either an annual registration statement or a separate report called a sustainability report. It was, therefore, noteworthy to examine the choices these firms chose in the first year of disclosure.

    pdf7p guernsey 28-12-2021 18 1   Download

  • Wind power plants can be realized with different generator types using different control principles. The choice of the generator regardless of control method, potentially destabilizes the grid, and can even lead to grid collapse. For independent grid (e.g. on islands) this risk is especially great. The report aimed at giving the reader a general overview of the control methods, and the developers a better understanding of each generator type to get the right choice for their wind power project.

    pdf22p dieutringuyen 07-06-2017 58 2   Download

  • Almost all protein database search methods use amino acid substitution matrices for scoring, optimizing, and assessing the statistical significance of sequence alignments. Much care and effort has therefore gone into con-structing substitution matrices, and the quality of search results can depend strongly upon the choice of the proper matrix. A long-standing problem has been the comparison of sequences with biased amino acid composi-tions, for which standard substitution matrices are not optimal....

    pdf9p fptmusic 12-04-2013 37 2   Download

  • The cometabolism of citrate and glucose by growing Lactococcus lactisssp. lactis bv. diacetylactis was studied using a natural-abundance stable isotope technique. By a judicious choice of substrates differing slightly in their 13 C/ 12 C ratios, the simultaneous metabolism of citrate and glucose to a range of compounds was analysed. These end-products include lactate, acetate, formate, diacetyl and acetoin. All these products have pyruvate as a common intermediate.

    pdf9p awards 05-04-2013 44 3   Download

  • The NMR structure of 2¢,5¢ d(GGGGCCCC) was deter-mined togain insights into the structural differences between 2¢,5¢-and 3¢,5¢-linked DNA duplexes that may be relevant in elucidating nature’s choice of sugar-phosphate links to encode genetic information. The oligomer assumes a duplex with extended nucleotide repeats formed out of mostly N-type sugar puckers. With the exception of the 5¢-terminal guanine that assumes thesyn glycosyl conformation, all other bases prefer theantiglycosyl conformation. Base pairs in the duplex exhibit slide ()1.

    pdf11p awards 05-04-2013 52 4   Download

  • Endogenous and exogenous opiates are currently considered the drugs of choice for treating different kinds of pain. However, their prolonged use produces several adverse symptoms, and in addition, many forms of pain are resistant to any kind of therapy.

    pdf23p media19 06-03-2013 49 4   Download

  • INTERORGANIZATIONAL ADADTATION , INTERORGANIZATIONAL STRATIGIES, AND FIRM PERFORMANCE A second issue is that there is little or no threat of market entry when competition is among geographically-based school districts. In the absence of entry, administrators of undesirable districts are not likely to face substantial declines in enrollment. Indeed, a reasonable first approximation is that total (public) school and district enrollments are invariant to schools’ relative desirability.

    pdf241p mualan_mualan 27-02-2013 54 12   Download

  • THE USE OF INTENAL AUDIT FINDINGS IN GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION : AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY In modeling the effects of parental preferences on equilibrium outcomes under Tiebout choice, it is important to account for two key issues that do not arise under choice programs like vouchers. The first is that residential choice rations access to highlydemanded schools by willingness-to-pay for local housing.4 As a result, both schools and districts in high-choice markets (those with many competing school districts) are more stratified than in low-choice markets....

    pdf108p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 98 10   Download

  • UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY YOUTH SUBSTANCE USE AND HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION In this chapter, I use data on school assignments and outcomes of students across schools within different metropolitan housing markets to assess parents’ revealed preferences. To preview the results, I find little evidence that parents use Tiebout choice to select effective schools over those with desirable peers, or that schools are on average more effective in markets that offer more choice.

    pdf147p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 61 11   Download

  • UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY RATES OF RETURN TO ADVANCE EUDUCATION IN ALBERTA AND CANADA Parents exert some control over their children’s school assignment via their residential location decisions, and can exit undesirable schools by moving to a neighborhood served by a different school district. As U.S.

    pdf200p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 60 12   Download

  • SUPERVISOR'S MANAGEMENT STYLE AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SATISFACTION IN A PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY The mechanisms typically proposed to increase parental choice—vouchers, charter schools, etc.—are not at present sufficiently widespread to permit decisive empirical tests either of parental revealed preferences or of their ultimate effects on school productivity

    pdf143p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 88 23   Download

  • WAGE RETURNS FOR POST -SECONDARY EDUCATION: A COMPARISON FOR SELECTED PROGRAMS BY LEVELS OF EDUCATION AND INDUSTRY TYPE The potential effects of school choice programs depend critically on what characteristics parents value in schools. Hanushek, for example, notes that parents might not choose effective schools over others that are less effective but offer “pleasant surroundings, athletic facilities, [and] cultural advantages,” (1981, p. 34). To the extent that parents choose productive schools, market discipline can induce greater productivity from school administrators and teachers.

    pdf148p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 61 11   Download

  • The Market for Higher Education: Economic Analyses of College Choice , Returns , and State Aid Policy A thesis Present I find suggestive evidence, however, that her estimates, from a sample of public school students, are upward biased by selection into private schools. Moreover, an investigation of the sampling variability of Hoxby’s estimates leads to the conclusion that her standard errors are understated, and that even her own point estimates of the competitive effect are not significantly different from zero....

    pdf215p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 63 9   Download

  • On Fiscal Discipline and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regine This result conflicts with a well-known recent result from Hoxby (2000a), who argues that metropolitan areas with less centralized educational governance, and therefore more competition among local school districts, produce better student outcomes at lower cost. In Chapter Two, I attempt to get to the bottom of the discrepancy. I reanalyze a portion of Hoxby’s data, and find reason to suspect the validity of her conclusions.

    pdf146p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 48 8   Download

  • SERVICE PARTS LOGISTICS: MODELING, ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION Chapter One develops this idea and implements tests of the hypothesis that school effectiveness is an important determinant of residential choices among local-monopoly school districts. I model a “Tiebout”-style housing market in which house prices ration access to desirable schools, which may be desirable either because they are particularly effective or because they enroll a desirable set of students.

    pdf210p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 66 14   Download

  • MARKETING HIGHER EDUCATION: APPLYING A CONSUMPTION VALUE MODEL TO COLLEGE CHOICE Chapter One develops this idea and implements tests of the hypothesis that school effectiveness is an important determinant of residential choices among local-monopoly school districts. I model a “Tiebout”-style housing market in which house prices ration access to desirable schools, which may be desirable either because they are particularly effective or because they enroll a desirable set of students.

    pdf295p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 59 9   Download

  • THREE ESSAYS ON FINANCIAL DISTRESS AND CORPORATE CONTROL Chapter One develops this idea and implements tests of the hypothesis that school effectiveness is an important determinant of residential choices among local-monopoly school districts. I model a “Tiebout”-style housing market in which house prices ration access to desirable schools, which may be desirable either because they are particularly effective or because they enroll a desirable set of students.

    pdf173p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 85 11   Download



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