Second nature
This thesis examines the strategic and potentially legitimising nature of voluntary environmental reporting. First, the thesis examines the relationship between emission levels on the National Pollutant Inventory and the quantity of total voluntary environmental disclosures, voluntary emission disclosures and positive voluntary environmental disclosures in annual reports. Second, an examination of changes in the quantity of disclosures discussing compliance with the National Pollutant Inventory and/or disclosures concerning pollution emissions is undertaken.
218p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This research project explores the negative environmental impacts of anthropogenic debris by investigating these found materials within the medium of contemporary jewellery objects. Contemporary jewellery objects are a powerful artistic medium. We can wear jewellery on our bodies and carry it with us. Jewellery can sit on or through the body, and at the same time extend beyond our bodies. Jewellery objects can resonate their own space, to be watched, observed publicly or privately, inviting the wearer or voyeur to think, to enquire, to remember and to investigate.
509p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
In this paper, we prove global second derivative estimates for solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the Monge-Amp`re equation when the inhomogee neous term is only assumed to be H¨lder continuous. As a consequence of our o approach, we also establish the existence and uniqueness of globally smooth solutions to the second boundary value problem for the affine maximal surface equation and affine mean curvature equation.
38p dontetvui 17-01-2013 48 8 Download
We prove that there are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of primes. There are three major ingredients. The first is Szemer´di’s theorem, which ase serts that any subset of the integers of positive density contains progressions of arbitrary length. The second, which is the main new ingredient of this paper, is a certain transference principle. This allows us to deduce from Szemer´di’s e theorem that any subset of a sufficiently pseudorandom set (or measure) of positive relative density contains progressions of arbitrary length. ...
68p dontetvui 17-01-2013 46 6 Download
In a classic paper, Gerstenhaber showed that first order deformations of an associative k-algebra a are controlled by the second Hochschild cohomology group of a. More generally, any n-parameter first order deformation of a gives, due to commutativity of the cup-product on Hochschild cohomology, a graded algebra morphism Sym• (kn ) → Ext2•bimod (a, a). We prove that any extension aof the n-parameter first order deformation of a to an infinite order formal deformation provides a canonical ‘lift’ of the graded algebra morphism above to a dg-algebra morphism Sym• (kn ) → RHom• ...
17p noel_noel 17-01-2013 54 4 Download
We develop a framework for displaying the stable homotopy theory of the sphere, at least after localization at the second Morava K-theory K(2). At the prime 3, we write the spectrum LK(2) S 0 as the inverse limit of a tower of hF fibrations with four layers. The successive fibers are of the form E2 where F is a finite subgroup of the Morava stabilizer group and E2 is the second Morava or Lubin-Tate homology theory. We give explicit calculation of the homotopy groups of these fibers.
47p noel_noel 17-01-2013 49 5 Download
Let g be a scattering metric on a compact manifold X with boundary, i.e., a smooth metric giving the interior X ◦ the structure of a complete Riemannian manifold with asymptotically conic ends. An example is any compactly supported perturbation of the standard metric on Rn . Consider the operator H = 1 ∆ + V , where ∆ is the positive Laplacian with respect to g and V is a 2 smooth real-valued function on X vanishing to second order at ∂X. Assuming that g is nontrapping, we construct a global parametrix U(z, w, t) for the kernel...
38p noel_noel 17-01-2013 46 5 Download
This article is concerned with local well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for second order quasilinear hyperbolic equations with rough initial data. The new results obtained here are sharp in low dimension. 1. Introduction 1.1. The results. We consider in this paper second order, nonlinear hyperbolic equations of the form (1.1) gij (u) ∂i ∂j u = q ij (u) ∂i u ∂j u on R × Rn , with Cauchy data prescribed at time 0, (1.2) u(0, x) = u0 (x) , ∂0 u(0, x) = u1 (x) .
77p noel_noel 17-01-2013 71 5 Download
We identify the symmetry algebra of the Laplacian on Euclidean space as an explicit quotient of the universal enveloping algebra of the Lie algebra of conformal motions. We construct analogues of these symmetries on a general conformal manifold. 1. Introduction The space of smooth first order linear differential operators on Rn that preserve harmonic functions is closed under Lie bracket. For n ≥ 3, it is finitedimensional (of dimension (n2 + 3n + 4)/2). Its commutator subalgebra is isomorphic to so(n + 1, 1), the Lie algebra of conformal motions of Rn .
22p noel_noel 17-01-2013 47 6 Download
We show that any set containing a positive proportion of the primes contains a 3-term arithmetic progression. An important ingredient is a proof that the primes enjoy the so-called Hardy-Littlewood majorant property. We derive this by giving a new proof of a rather more general result of Bourgain which, because of a close analogy with a classical argument of Tomas and Stein from Euclidean harmonic analysis, might be called a restriction theorem for the primes. 1. Introduction Arguably the second most famous result of Klaus Roth is his 1953 upper bound [21] on r3 (N ), defined 17 years...
29p noel_noel 17-01-2013 55 6 Download
We establish a correspondence between orbifold and singular elliptic genera of a global quotient. While the former is defined in terms of the fixed point set of the action, the latter is defined in terms of the resolution of singularities. As a byproduct, the second quantization formula of Dijkgraaf, Moore, Verlinde and Verlinde is extended to arbitrary Kawamata log-terminal pairs. 1. Introduction One of the fundamental problems suggested by the intersection homology theory is to determine which characteristic numbers can be defined for singular varieties. ...
50p noel_noel 17-01-2013 51 5 Download
This is the second in a series of three papers in which we initiate the study of very rough solutions to the initial value problem for the Einstein vacuum equations expressed relative to wave coordinates. By very rough we mean solutions which cannot be constructed by the classical techniques of energy estimates and Sobolev inequalities. In this paper we develop the geometric analysis of the Eikonal equation for microlocalized rough Einstein metrics. This is a crucial step in the derivation of the decay estimates needed in the first paper. ...
50p noel_noel 17-01-2013 56 5 Download
This is the second of two papers in which we prove the Tits alternative for Out(Fn ). Contents 1. Introduction and outline 2. Fn -trees 2.1. Real trees 2.2. Real Fn -trees 2.3. Very small trees 2.4. Spaces of real Fn -trees 2.5. Bounded cancellation constants 2.6. Real graphs 2.7. Models and normal forms for simplicial Fn -trees 2.8. Free factor systems 3. Unipotent polynomially growing outer automorphisms 3.1. Unipotent linear maps 3.2. Topological representatives 3.3. Relative train tracks and automorphisms of polynomial growth 3.4. Unipotent representatives and UPG automorphisms ...
60p noel_noel 17-01-2013 46 5 Download
The space of embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a 3-manifold II; Multi-valued graphs in disks By Tobias H. Colding and William P. Minicozzi II* 0. Introduction This paper is the second in a series where we give a description of the space of all embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a fixed (but arbitrary) closed 3-manifold. The key for understanding such surfaces is to understand the local structure in a ball and in particular the structure of an embedded minimal disk in a ball in R3 . We show here that if the curvature of such a disk...
25p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 49 6 Download
We previously reported the construction and activity of a humanized, bispecific diabody (hEx3) that recruited T cells towards an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) positive tumor. Herein, we describe the construction of a second functional, fully humanized, anti-EGFR bispecific diabody that recruits another subset of lymphocyte effectors, the natural killer cells, to EGFR-expressing tumor cells.
11p cosis54 08-12-2012 42 3 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Second chromosome polymorphism of Drosophila buzzatii in a natural population is not associated with gametic selection and does not affect mating pattern
0p toshiba20 12-11-2011 42 2 Download
CSS Mastery- P9: The human race is a naturally inquisitive species. We just love tinkering with things. When I recently bought a new iMac, I had it to bits within seconds, before I’d even read the instruction manual. We enjoy working things out ourselves and creating our own mental models of how we think things behave. We muddle through and only turn to the manual when something goes wrong or defies our expectations.
11p camry 14-08-2010 107 10 Download