Software engineering ethics
Bài giảng "Công nghệ phần mềm - Chapter 1: Introduction" presentation of content: Professional software development, software engineering ethics, software processes. Invite you to reference.
70p doinhugiobay_15 25-02-2016 84 3 Download
Lecture "Software engineering - Lecture 1: Introduction" has contents: To introduce software engineering and to explain its importance, to set out the answers to key questions o set out the answers to key questions, to set out the answers to key questions issues and to explain why they are of concern to software engineers.
59p bautroibinhyen13 10-01-2017 56 4 Download
In this chapter, you will learn to: understand what software engineering is and why it is important; understand that the development of different types of software system may require different software engineering techniques; understand ethical and professional issues that are important for software engineers.
43p larachdumlanat 09-11-2020 34 4 Download