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Software technology

Xem 1-20 trên 21 kết quả Software technology
  • In the context of technological and educational advancement, the integration of technology and online platforms has yielded significant impacts on online pedagogical methodologies. This report presents the application of the online teaching software Classin, which has elicited positive and innovative changes in Mathlish’s online math classes.

    pdf11p viaburame 14-03-2025 2 0   Download

  • Convolutional operations on neural networks are computationally intensive tasks that require significant processing time due to their reliance on calculations from multiplication circuits. This study implements and evaluates the performance of the XNOR-popcount design at the transistor-level on the Cadence circuit design software using 90nm CMOS technology.

    pdf9p viinuzuka 28-02-2025 4 1   Download

  • Câu 1: A problem soling technique that decomposes a system its component parts while focusing on the business problem independent of technology is: a. Cause-and-effect analysis. b. System design. c. Joint application design(JAD). d. Systems analysis. Câu 2: A database is an organized collection of ____ related data. a. None of the others answers. b. logically. c. not. d. physically.

    pdf32p itvovantien 23-06-2012 107 18   Download

  • What is ASP? – Server-side scripting technology – Files containing HTML and scripting code – Access via HTTP requests – Scripting code is interpreted on server side • What can I do with ASP? – Easily and quickly create simple Web applications – Generate dynamic Web content – Client-side scripting for validation – Access COM components to extend functionality

    ppt30p kiditer 28-09-2009 452 244   Download

  • At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: Describe the features of Java technology Describe the different phases of a Java program. Java was created in 1991 by James Gosling et al. of Sun Microsystems. Initially called Oak, in honor of the tree outside Gosling's window, its name was changed to Java because there was already a language called Oak.

    ppt29p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 88 8   Download

  • Lecture Operating System: Chapter 05 - Input/Output presented Principles of I/O hardware, Principles of I/O software, I/O software layers, Disks, Clocks, Character-oriented terminals, Graphical user interfaces, Network terminals, Power management.

    ppt63p talata_1 22-09-2014 83 9   Download

  • Bài giảng "Công nghệ phần mềm - Chapter 5: Prototype and System Modeling" Le Thi Cam Huong by editor presentation of content: Prototyping, UML diagram types. Invite you to reference.

    pdf101p doinhugiobay_15 25-02-2016 87 4   Download

  • The lesson will introduce you to the computer. Your knowledge about the elements of the computer and how they work will enable you to easily understand the lessons on hardware, software and networks.

    ppt22p lalala10 04-03-2016 66 4   Download

  • This research is a single case study of the impact of the introduction of both information technology (software, hardware and Internet) and a company policy about IT use on the internal operations of a fire truck assembly company and its supply chain relationships. Using Action Research, the research focuses on a fire truck assembly company in Thailand, where supply chain efficiency was not improving and where costs of, and relationships with, both upstream suppliers and downstream clients in the supply chain were increasing.

    pdf306p runthenight04 02-02-2023 10 2   Download

  • The dissertation aims to address these limitations by using annotation-based domain-specific language (aDSL), which is internal to OOPL, to not only express an essential and unified domain model but generatively construct modular software from this model.

    pdf193p justiceleague 09-06-2021 21 7   Download

  • Research object are the organization and state management activities on ITI in Vietnam. The scope limited in the contents of state management on ITI systems, focusing on policies, strategies, planning, plans and programs; legal documents; inspection and examination to eliminate violations; organizing the state management apparatus on ITI in the field of manufacturing computer hardware and computer software.

    pdf30p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 53 4   Download

  • This research serves to relate the accounting and information technology fields. The information in the research documents changes in the fields, future expectations in the fields, the relationship between the fields, ideal accounting candidates, expectation gap between graduates and employers, careers in accounting, careers in information systems, and similar and different basic skills of each field.

    pdf17p fugu897 03-07-2019 34 2   Download

  • In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Password policies ensure that users choose effective passwords; user-level security requires a separate account for each user; in share-level security, all users access shares by using the same passwords; a firewall is a hardware or software product that protects a network from unauthorized access, using techniques such as packet filtering, NAT, or proxy servers;...

    pdf15p tangtuy08 21-04-2016 37 3   Download

  • Chapter summary: Magnetic tape is the most popular storage medium for backups; backup software enables you to select the data you want to back up and sends it to the device you use for backups; daily backup jobs can be full backups, incremental backups, or differential backups;...

    pdf20p tangtuy08 21-04-2016 49 2   Download

  • An open data communication protocol developed in 1979 Published by Modicon Open structure Flexible Widely known Supplied by many SCADA and HMI software Have OPC Servers 2 serial transmission modes: ASCII 10 bits RTU (Binary) 11 bits Communication interface RS-232/485 Ethernet (TCP/IP) Station Device: 0 ~ 255 Digital input 1xxxx: 4 digits for hexadecimal address (0000 ~ FFFF) 1xxxxx: 5 digital for decimal address (0 ~ 65535) Digital output 0xxxx: 4 digits for hexadecimal address (0000 ~ FFFF) 0xxxxx: 5 digital for decimal address (0 ~ 65535) Analog input 4xxxx: 4 dig...

    ppt14p buisontdtq 04-10-2012 82 15   Download

  • Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: Develop Java applications to solve typical business problems; Use Java Servlet and JSP technology to develop simple web applications; Use Java JDBC API to develop web based database applications.

    pdf8p lebronjamesuit 23-08-2012 82 5   Download

  • Hardware Acceleration of EDA Algorithms- P11: Single-threaded software applications have ceased to see significant gains in performance on a general-purpose CPU, even with further scaling in very large scale integration (VLSI) technology. This is a significant problem for electronic design automation (EDA) applications, since the design complexity of VLSI integrated circuits (ICs) is continuously growing.

    pdf7p xmen246 28-09-2010 91 4   Download

  • Broadband, Multimedia Networks and the B-ZSDN The emergence of ‘multimedia’ computers and software which use all sorts of different audio, data, image and video signals simultaneously has heralded a new generation of computers and computer ‘applications’ and spurred the need to develop and deploy a new universal technology for telecommunications

    pdf12p huggoo 20-08-2010 68 8   Download

  • "Hãy làm việc với những người thông minh hơn hẳn bạn!" Để thành công trong kinh doanh, bạn buộc phải ứng phó nhanh trước mọi khó khăn, trở ngại. Với Gil Shwed, Giám đốc điều hành hãng bảo mật Check Point Software Technologies, bí quyết này đã được phát huy tới mức tối đa trong cuộc Hội thảo Networld+Interop 1994, diễn ra tại Las Vegas. Do đăng ký tham gia sự kiện vào phút cuối nên cái tên Check Point thậm chí không được đưa vào catalog của Triển lãm. Họ cũng phải dùng chung gian hàng với một hãng khác....

    pdf4p phobo24 03-07-2010 137 26   Download

  • “Offshoring”, or “offshore outsourcing”, generally means moving the physical location of information technology (IT) services delivery from a developed nation with high wage rates to a developing country with lower wage rates…

    doc4p s3solutions 24-05-2010 127 8   Download



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