Specific loss power
Research targets of the thesis: (i) To thereticallystudy the overall characteristics of MIH and their impacts based on theoretical calculation (ii) To carry out experiments on the influence of alternating magnetic field, particle size and viscosity on specific loss power for CoFe2O4 and MnFe2O4, chosen as representative of respectively high K and low K magnetic nanoparticles; and to compare the experimental behavior with that obtained by theroretical calculations.
23p xacxuoc4321 08-07-2019 55 3 Download
In Design of high density transformers for high frequency high power converters, the abovementioned issues of high-frequency transformers are explored, particularly in regards to high-power converter applications. Loss calculations accommodating resonant operating waveform and Litz wire windings are explored. Leakage inductance modeling for large-number-of-stand Litz wire windings is proposed. The optimal design procedure based on the models is developed.
175p khoaicuto 19-03-2015 55 6 Download