Stock return performance
This paper is set out to explore the performance of the APT in the Vietnamese market in the context of the U.S - China trade war 2018. Testing on the listed stocks in Vietnamese stock exchanges provides a certain impact of the trade war on the asset pricing models’ effectiveness. Specifically, the trade war casts the effects on the prediction power of economic forces on the expected returns of the Vietnamese stocks. This is the first study to bring light into the investigation of the validity of the APT in the Vietnamese economy in the wake of the trade war.
16p toduongg 24-08-2024 1 0 Download
Work experience is a key factor in hiring decision of managers. However, empirical evidence that early life experience matters is very limited. This thesis fills in the gap by examining how work experience affects managerial performance and managerial style in mutual funds. Using a sample of Chinese fund managers, we find performances and styles vary across managers of different career backgrounds. Notably, managers of research and especially government backgrounds show higher risk adjusted returns while taking on less systematic risk.
161p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
This thesis provides solid evidence to support the notion that idiosyncratic volatility plays a significant role in Australian equity markets. Therefore, it should not be ignored but instead should be considered when evaluating the performance of Australian stock portfolios and pension funds. It can also be used to predict Australian economic conditions.
214p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
These find a negative relation between CEO cheap stock and future firm operating and stock return performance. Overall, my results illustrate the importance of corporate governance structures in IPO firms and suggest that greater levels of cheap stock are an indication of agency problems, which in turn, adversely affect shareholder value.
132p fugu897 03-07-2019 30 3 Download
This study contributes to the stream of literature on fundamental analysis and SG&A costs by performing a more detailed breakdown of changes in the SG&A ratio and by demonstrating that this partitioning provides information about changes in future earnings, analyst forecast revisions, and future stock returns.
99p fugu897 03-07-2019 21 3 Download