Strand separation
Concept of hybrid molecules: When double strand DNA is steamed to a temperature exceed the melting temperature (Tm), it will separate into 2 single strands DNA due to breaks of H bonds. If the reaction temperature is then decreased slowly plus other appropriate experimental conditions, these ssDNA will pair again. This phenomenon is called the hybridization of molecules. Characteristic of the hybrid molecules: Specificity, the re-pairing occurs only between two complementary sequences.
71p ngovanquang12c3 17-12-2010 120 27 Download
Automated DNA sequencing is a core research tool used by almost every research biochemistry lab. It is used to determine the sequence of DNA, or the genetic code, that serves as the blueprint of life for every organism on Earth.
78p zingzing09 21-10-2012 62 7 Download
There is still a controversy over the mechanism of promoter DNA strand separation upon open transcription complex (RPo) formation by Escheri-chia coli RNA polymerase: is it a single or a stepwise process controlled by Mg 2+ ions and temperature? To resolve this question, the kinetics of pseudo-first-order oxidation of thymine residues by KMnO4 in the )11…+2 DNA region of RPo at thekPRpromoter was examined under single-hit conditions as a function of temperature (13–37C) in the absence or presence of 10 mmMgCl2....
16p awards 06-04-2013 46 2 Download
DNA helicases are molecularmotor enzymes that use the energy of NTP hydrolysis to separate transiently energetic-ally stable duplex DNA into single strands. They are there-fore essential in nearly all DNA metabolic transactions. They act as essential molecular tools for the cellular machinery. Since the discovery of the first DNA helicase in Escherichia coliin1976, several havebeen isolated fromboth prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems.
15p dell39 03-04-2013 50 4 Download
The occurrence of DNA double-strand breaks in the nucleus provokes in its structural organization a large-scale alteration whose molecular basis is still mostly unclear. Here, we show that double-strand breaks trigger pref-erential assembly of nucleoproteins in human cellular fractions and that they mediate the separation of large protein–DNA aggregates from aque-ous solution.
13p inspiron33 25-03-2013 42 5 Download