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Chapter 4: Hybrid molecules

Chia sẻ: Ngo Van Quang | Ngày: | Loại File: PPT | Số trang:71

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Concept of hybrid molecules: When double strand DNA is steamed to a temperature exceed the melting temperature (Tm), it will separate into 2 single strands DNA due to breaks of H bonds. If the reaction temperature is then decreased slowly plus other appropriate experimental conditions, these ssDNA will pair again. This phenomenon is called the hybridization of molecules. Characteristic of the hybrid molecules: Specificity, the re-pairing occurs only between two complementary sequences.

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Nội dung Text: Chapter 4: Hybrid molecules

  2. Concept of hybrid molecules • When double strand DNA is steamed to a temperature exceed the melting temperature (Tm), it will separate into 2 single strands DNA due to breaks of H bonds. If the reaction temperature is then decreased slowly plus other appropriate experimental conditions, these ssDNA will pair again. This phenomenon is called the hybridization of molecules. • Characteristic of the hybrid molecules: Specificity, the re-pairing occurs only between two complementary sequences. • These complementary sequences can be DNA or RNA, leading to the formations of DNA-DNA, RNA-RNA or hybrid DNA-RNA
  3. TYPES OF HYBRIDIZATION • - Hybrid in liquid phase (Lai trong pha loûng) • - Hybrid on solid phase (Lai treân pha raén) • --in situ hybridization (Lai taïi choã) • Southern Blot • - Northern Blot • - Western Blot
  4. Southern Blot (1975) • First described by E. M. Southern in 1975. • Applications of Southern hybridization – RFLP’s, VNTR’s (Variable  Number  Tandem Repeat) and DNA fingerprinting – Checking of the gene knockout mice
  5. Northern Blot (1977) Technique for detecting specific RNAs separated by electrophoresis by hybridization to a labeled DNA probe. -Transfer RNA onto membrane  -Hybridize with probe -Detection
  6. Western blot ­Immunoblot  (1979) Technique for detecting specific proteins separated by electrophoresis by use of labeled antibodies. Transfer proteins in SDS-PAGE onto Nylon membrane
  7. Critical parameters • Concentration of target DNA, RNA, protein • Homology between the probe and the sequences being detected (specificity) – Tm = 69,3 + 0,41 (% G + C) – Factors can be changed: • Hybridization temp. • Washing temp. • Salt concentration during washing High temp., low salt: high stringency Low temp., high salt: low stringency – If 50 % formamide is used • 42 oC for 95 ~ 100 % homology • 37 oC for 90 ~ 95 % homology • 32 oC for 85 ~ 90 % homology
  8. Southern hybridization Transfer buffer
  9. Flow chart of Southern hybridization Preparing the samples and running the gel Southern transfer Probe preparation Prehybridization Hybridization Post-hybridization washing Signal detection
  10. Preparing the samples and running the gel • Digest 10 pg to 10 µg of desired DNA samples to completion. • Prepare an agarose gel, load samples (remember marker), and electrophorese. • Stain gel with ethidium bromide solution (0.5 µg/ml). • Photograph gel (with ruler).
  11. Transfer of DNA, RNA from agarose gel onto membrane by capillary
  12. • Transfer methods: • Capillary: overnight • Electric: 2-3 h • Vacuum: 30 min • Note: • Sequences > 5 kb: Low transfering efficiency  hydrolyse DNA partly by: • - weak acid  to break purins partly • - strong base  to break
  13. • Dissemble transfer pyramid and rinse nitrocellulose in 2x SSC • Bake nitrocellulose at 80°C for 2 hr or UV- crosslink Nylon membrane for seconds After Southern transfer
  14. Preparation of isotope probes • Synthesis of uniformly labeled double- stranded DNA probes • Preparation of single-stranded probes • Labeling the 5′ and 3′ termini of DNA
  15. Ñaùnh daáu baèng caùc ñoàng  vò phoùng xaï ­  Radioactively Labeled (dATP)
  16. Ñaùnh daáu baèng phöông phaùp  hoaù hoïc ­ Non­Radioactively  Labeled Precursors
  17. Synthesis of double-stranded DNA probes - Nick translation of DNA - Labeled DNA probes using random oligonucleotide primers
  18. Preparation of single-stranded probes • Synthesis of single-stranded DNA probes using bacterio-phage M13 vectors. • Synthesis of RNA probes by in vitro transcription by bacteriophage DNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
  19. In vitro  transcription



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