Strategic organizational development
Strategic planning is a set of intentions expressed as a plan. The plan turns the intentions into reality by focusing on the broad future of the organization based on an analysis of the external and internal environment.
6p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 33 3 Download
Cheryl B Stetler*1, Lynn McQueen2, John Demakis3 and Brian S Mittman4 Address: 1Independent Consultant, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, 2Office of Quality and Performance, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC, USA, 3(Retired) Health Services Research and Development Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC, USA and 4VA Center for the Study of Healthcare Provider Behavior, Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, California, USA Email: Cheryl B Stetler* -; Lynn McQueen - Lynn.McQueen@va.
11p toshiba23 11-12-2011 70 4 Download