Structural Patterns
Formal explanation of grammar rules Practice of common grammatical patterns Providing opportunities for Ss to use English in realistic situations Discovery method A grammar lesson consists of 4 parts 1. Presentation 2. Focused Practice 3. Communicative Practice 4. Teacher feedback & correction
30p namson94 20-07-2012 233 52 Download
Bài giảng Nhập môn Công nghệ phần mềm: Chương 9 - Các mẫu thiết kế phục vụ tổ chức cấu trúc các đối tượng (Structural Patterns) bao gồm những nội dung về tổng quát mẫu thiết kế HĐT, mẫu Adapter, mẫu Composite, mẫu Proxy, mẫu Decorator, mẫu Facade, mẫu Flyweight.
28p cocacola_17 12-12-2015 76 5 Download
Bài giảng Lập trình hướng đối tượng: Chương 13 nêu lên các mẫu thiết kế phục vụ tổ chức cấu trúc các đối tượng (Structural Patterns) như mẫu Adapter, mẫu Composite, mẫu Proxy, mẫu Decorator, mẫu Facade, mẫu Flyweight. Mời các bạn tham khảo.
28p cocacola_17 12-12-2015 58 5 Download
Bài giảng "Phân tích & thiết kế phần mềm hướng đối tượng - Chương 4: Các mẫu thiết kế phục vụ tổ chức cấu trúc các đối tượng (Structural Patterns)" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Tổng quát về mẫu thiết kế HĐT, mẫu Adapter, mẫu Composite, mẫu Proxy, mẫu Decorator.... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.
55p tieu_vu06 02-06-2018 76 10 Download
Nội dung chương 9 - Các mẫu thiết kế phục vụ tổ chức cấu trúc các đối tượng (Structural Patterns) bao gồm: Tổng quát về mẫu thiết kế HĐT, mẫu adapter, mẫu composite, mẫu proxy, mẫu decorator, mẫu facade, mẫu flyweight. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
28p tieu_vu06 02-06-2018 37 4 Download
Bài giảng "Các mẫu thiết kế phục vụ tổ chức cấu trúc các đối tượng (Structural Patterns)" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Tổng quát về mẫu thiết kế hướng đối tượng, mẫu Adapter, mẫu Composite, mẫu Proxy, mẫu Decorator, mẫu Decorator,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.
28p tieu_vu06 09-06-2018 59 5 Download
Bài giảng "Các mẫu thiết kế phục vụ tổ chức cấu trúc các đối tượng (Structural Patterns)" cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Tổng quát về mẫu thiết kế HĐT, mẫu Adapter, mẫu Composite, mẫu Proxy, mẫu Decorator, mẫu Facade, mẫu Flyweight. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.
62p tieu_vu06 09-06-2018 63 4 Download
The aim of the research was the processing of the vibration signatures from healthy and damaged composite beams acquired with the help of a Scanning Laser Vibrometer (SLV) upon excitation and analysis of the mode shapes acquired for damage detection. The displacement mode shapes acquired were then converted into curvature mode shapes with the help of a Central Difference Approximation method (CDA).
146p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
This study uncovers a wide range of complex transport dynamics in transiently forced aquifers that has profound implications for the understanding and quantification of solute transport in these important groundwater systems. And the results in this thesis predict that complex transport structures and dynamics arise in natural transiently forced aquifers around the world. When such dynamics do arise, it will lead to mixing and reactive transport patterns that are very different from those predicted by conventional Darcy flow models.
154p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
This study aims to: Supply readers with basic understanding of speech acts, conversation analysis, adjacency pairs, and preference structure; explore the general patterns of preferred and dispreferred second turns structure used in the first episode of the film Downton Abbey; investigate the linguistic features signaling preferred and dispreferred replies in the episode; provide film critics with practical knowledge of conversations comprising preferred and dispreferred second-turn questions.
81p closefriend09 16-11-2021 24 3 Download
Factors influencing housing development patterns in international border towns in Ogunstate, Nigeria
The study affirms that both physical factors and neighbourhood factors largely and significantly influence housing formation patterns in the international borders. Therefore, there is need for Nigeria government most specially to take cognizance of these important factors when formulating or developing her housing development plan.
15p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 17 3 Download
Polypropylene/ maleic anhydride /organic montmorillonite nanocomposites (PP/ MA/ Org-MMT) have been prepared via direct melt intercalation in an internal mixer. Maleic anhydride (MA) was used as a compatibilizer to improve the dispersability of the clay. The structures of nanocomposites have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Mechanical properties and thermal stability were determined by tensile analysis and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), respectively.
8p 12120609 01-06-2020 23 2 Download
A diagnostic tool for assessing organisational readiness for complex change outlines the development of a new diagnostic tool that combines macro and micro levels of analysis in order to enable organisations to gauge their preparedness for complex change.
18p tungkhtn 17-07-2016 40 3 Download
During the development of multicellular organisms, both transient and stable gene expression patterns have to be established in a precisely orchestrated sequence. Evidence from diverse model organisms indicates that this epigenetic program involves not only transcription factors, but also the local structure, composition, and modification of chromatin, which define and maintain the accessibility and transcriptional competence of the nucleosomal DNA template.
6p research12 01-06-2013 33 4 Download
A technique has been developed to search a proteome database for new members of a functional class of membrane protein. It takes advantage of the highly conserved secondary structure of functionally related membrane proteins. Such proteins typically have the same number of transmembrane domains located at similar relative positions in their polypeptide sequence. This gives rise to a characteristic pattern of peaks in their hydropathy profiles.
7p research12 01-06-2013 36 4 Download
Decorin is a small leucine-rich chondroitin/dermatan sulfate proteoglycan reported to interact with ®brillar collagens through its protein core and to localize atdandebands of the collagen ®bril banding pattern. Using a solid-phase assay, we have determined the interaction of peptides derivedbyCNBr cleavage of type I and type II collagenwith decorin extracted from bovine tendon and its protein core and with a recombinant decorin preparation.
10p research12 29-04-2013 37 3 Download
Short-chaindehydrogenases/reductases (SDRs) are enzymes of great functional diversity. Even at sequence identities of typically only 15–30%, specific sequence motifs are detect-able, reflecting common folding patterns. We have devel-oped a functional assignment scheme based on these motifs and we find five families. Two of these families were known previously and are calledclassical andextended families, but they are now distinguished at a further level based on coenzyme specificities.
9p research12 23-04-2013 39 3 Download
The cystic ®brosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene shows a complex pattern of expression, with temporal and spatial regulation that is not accounted for by elements in the promoter. One approach to identifying the regulatory elements forCFTRis the mapping of DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHS) within the locus. We previously identi®ed at least 12 clusters of DHS across theCFTRgene andhere further evaluateDHS in introns 2, 3, 10, 16, 17a, 18, 20 and 21 to assess their functional importance in regulation ofCFTRgene expression. ...
7p research12 23-04-2013 32 2 Download
Caseins are highly phosphorylated milk proteins assembled in large colloidal structures termed micelles. In the milk of ruminants, as1-casein has been shown to be extensively phosphorylated. In this report we have determined the phosphorylation pattern of humanas1 -casein by a combi-nationofmatrix-assisted laserdesorptionmass spectrometry and amino acid sequence analysis. Three phosphorylation variants were identified. A nonphosphorylated form, a variant phosphorylated at Ser18 and a variant phosphory-lated at Ser18 and Ser26.
5p tumor12 20-04-2013 34 4 Download
Pi4 is a38-residue toxincross-linkedby fourdisulfidebridges that has been isolated from the venom of the Chactidae scorpion Pandinus imperator. Together with maurotoxin, Pi1, Pi7 andHsTx1, Pi4belongs to theaKTX6 subfamilyof short four-disulfide-bridged scorpion toxins acting on K + channels. Due to its very low abundance in venom, Pi4 was chemically synthesized in order to better characterize its pharmacology and structural properties.
10p tumor12 20-04-2013 32 1 Download