Summary of The Doctoral Dissertation of Public Management
Summary of the doctoral dissertation: Nonstate engagement in higher education in Viet Nam at present
Based on clarification of key theoretical issues, assessment of the actual situation of non-state engagement in higher education, the doctoral dissertation proposes viewpoints and solutions to promote non-state engagement in higher education in Viet Nam.
27p closefriend09 16-11-2021 28 3 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to assess the government management for redevelopment of old department buildings. Finding out the barriers in the state management. From these findings, proposing the views and solutions to improve state management with redevelopment of the old department buildings in Hanoi.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 27 4 Download
Research object: The research object of the dissertation is the state management of early childhood education in Hanoi city, including both public and non-public ECE.
14p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 17 2 Download
Studying theory on state management of higher education in the form of part- time training to create a basis to analyze practice and propose solutions to enhance the state management of higher education in the form of part-time training at academies under the Ministry of Public Security.
14p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 41 3 Download
The dissertation aims to develop a theoretical framework for state management for agricultural economy, which is the basis for analyzing and evaluating the status of state management for the agricultural economy of a territory. Based on that, the final research purpose of the dissertation is to improve the state management of agricultural economy in the Northern Coastal Region in the direction of industrialization and modernization.
26p quenchua 28-09-2019 45 2 Download
The dissertation researches and systemize theories of state management on special national relics; practical analyzing, evaluating and building up scientific arguments in order to propose solutions to perfect state management on special national relics in the The Red River Delta
14p quenchua 28-09-2019 26 1 Download
The purpose of the dissertation is on the base of presenting and analyzing theoretical basic and current status of state management of civil status in the Northern border provinces, at the aim to provide scientific recommendations making contribution to ensure state management of civil status in the Northern border provinces of Viet Nam.
24p quenchua 28-09-2019 38 1 Download
On the basis of clarifying the theory and practice of state management of tourism in Luang Pra Bang province, the thesis proposes orientations and solutions to improve state management of tourism in Luang Pra Bang province.
28p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 36 2 Download
Research on accounting in public service units - accounting basis. Research on accounting in public service units - an experience aspect when applying international public accounting standards. Research on public service unit accounting - accounting information aspect and accounting information analysis. Some researches on public service unit accounting - organizational aspects of accounting work, accounting use as financial management tools for public service units, etc.
28p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 42 3 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
27p change08 27-06-2016 64 8 Download
The purpose of the dissertation is to develop the scientific foundation for the results-based management of public policy implementation, then to propose solutions for application of the results-based management of public policy implementation in Vietnam.
27p change08 27-06-2016 70 10 Download
To make the theoretical research about roles of state management on higher education quality, analyze and assess the impacts of state management on higher education quality in Vietnam then to propose solutions to improve the current state management on higher education quality in Vietnam.
28p change08 27-06-2016 80 7 Download
Research aims: To clarify theoretical issues, practices of settlement of complaints in the state administrative management for recent years to give comments and evaluation in order to provide perspectives and propose some solutions to settling administrative complaints meeting the requirements of the administrative reform.
27p change08 27-06-2016 60 8 Download
The purpose of research The dissertation aims at researching and perfecting the content of state management for International Non-governmental Organizations in Hanoi city nowadays.
27p change08 27-06-2016 65 6 Download
The thesis was done with the purpose of contributing to the public administration reform process and building Vietnam towards democracy, modern, effective and efficient through the development of the scientific foundations of theory, real practice on the accountability of the head of SAA in Vietnam today.
15p change08 27-06-2016 51 3 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
26p change06 14-06-2016 43 3 Download