Task culture
Understanding and using slangs correctly is not an easy task for English learners if we just base on their literal meanings. Language and culture are undoubtedly closely integrated and interdependent during their whole development processes. Therefore, in this article, an investigation into cultural feature of 359 English slangs containing words denoting animals was conducted to bring readers an insight.
13p bautroibinhyen16 09-02-2017 83 10 Download
Why we need to communicate to help and what is the communication task, why we need to communicate to help and what is the communication task, what we want them to remember, what we are going to say to them,... to help you answer the questions above, you are invited to consult the document content "What if there is a contraception method: A digital strategy to get the adult". Invite you to consult.
66p pierre1991 03-01-2016 54 8 Download
External environment: Everything outside an organisation that might affect it. –General environment: Broad dimensions/forces in an organisation’s surroundings, creating its overall context. –Task environment: Specific organisations or groups that affect the organisation. •Internal environment: The conditions and forces within an organisation.Political-legal dimension •Economic dimension •Socio-cultural dimension •Technological dimension •International dimension •Impacts are vague, imprecise and long term. •Cannot be influenced by organisations....
21p k11t_uel 02-11-2012 78 4 Download
A stakeholder is anyone who has an A stakeholder is anyone who has an expectation regarding the behaviour or expectation regarding the behaviour or performance of an organisation.Strategic management is effective only Strategic management is effective only when resources match stakholders needs when resources match stakholders needs and expectations and change to fit into a and expectations and change to fit into a tubulent environment. tubulent environment.
26p thongtrieu 06-11-2009 178 27 Download
This is a diagnostic test to evaluable students, comprehension of the course content. The course is a semester-long EFL class which runs three hours per week. It consists of 20~25 university students from common culture background.
8p baohan 17-06-2009 255 29 Download