Technical college students training
Purpose research: Research theoretical basis and practical basis of teaching technical skills (TTS) towards developing collaborative working skills (CWS) for pedagogical students; thereby proposing measures to teach the practicetechnical towards developing CWS for pedagogical students, in order to improving the quality of teaching in colleges and universities of education with technical training in this time.
28p tunelove 10-06-2021 12 3 Download
Research aims: The research aims at researching and developing theoretical and practical basis for control theory-based teaching. On that basis, the research builds up the process of control theory-based teaching and apply it to teaching PLC modules for engineering majored college students.
27p thebadguys 08-06-2021 30 4 Download
Researching the theory of technically academic counseling to guide self-study in technical teaching for technical college students, proposing measures to improve students' learning skills, thereby improving the quality of training at technical colleges when implementing credit-based training mode.
30p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 15 3 Download