Telecommunication companies
This research aims to extend the understanding of contingency theory and the factors influencing Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB) system implementation in developing economies. Using qualitative case-based methods, the unique features of ABC/ABB implementation in three large Thai companies from telecommunications, banking and oil industries were investigated. Interviews were conducted with key personnel involved with the implementation process. The Telecommunications Company and Bank implemented ABC and the Oil Company implemented ABB.
328p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
The thesis is based on the application of the fundamental theory of financial risks, the thesis aims at analyzing financial risks in telecommunications businesses. From there, it implies appropriate policies to control the financial risks of enterprises in order to prevent and minimize financial risks, improve the quality of financial management and business efficiency.
0p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 43 1 Download
System of basic theories related to enhancing the competitiveness of telecommunications services in general and telecommunications services business in particular. In particular, the thesis will study the competitiveness of telecommunication service business, factors affecting the competitiveness of telecommunications service business.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 37 2 Download
The researchers focused on brand awareness of the American semiconductor and telecommunications equipment company Qualcomm Snapdragon, which designs processors and wireless telecommunications.
10p guineverehuynh 17-06-2020 24 5 Download
This study develops and tests a set of new factors which shapes both customer satisfaction and delight within the UAE setting. The factors include perceived service value, perceived service quality, perceived price fairness in addition to perceived service recovery.
10p tocectocec 24-05-2020 13 1 Download
This research aims to examine a model of relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in the Laos telecommunication sector. That addresses the lack of research of these relationships in terms of research setting and provides information for telecommunication companies in Laos improving their performance and competitive abilities.
156p change02 06-05-2016 62 4 Download
The objective of the study: Analyze and evaluate the competitiveness of the state providing mobile communication services of a telecom company in Vietnam, comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the provision of services between the companies together and find out the problems to be solved in order to improve their competitiveness;...
0p nguyenthiminh32 12-07-2014 70 6 Download
In the past three decades, due to significant liberalization and privatization the entire telecommunications industry has become a dynamic service industry subject to increasing competition with huge growth potential. (Graack, 1996). In recent years, in some Asian countries the number of mobile subscribers even passed the number of fixed-line subscribers (Fink, Matto, & Rathindran, 2003). Hence, the strategic behavior of telecommunications companies has attracted so much attention in recent years, both in the academic literature and in the popular press.
20p quanghao1991 26-08-2012 89 9 Download
Corporate Networks Although large multi-national companies can afford to employ specialist ‘telecommunications managers’, smaller companies individuals and are less privileged. For these latter groups, telecommunications are often just another subsidiary responsibility either a computer services for manager or even the general business manager. Nonetheless all telecommunications managers can affectthewayinwhichtheircompaniesoperate.Inthischapterweshalldiscusshow.
16p huggoo 20-08-2010 79 5 Download