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Telecommunications and networks

Xem 1-20 trên 20 kết quả Telecommunications and networks
  • The research scope of the Thesis in the perspective of Criminal Law is in the major of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure. The practice of applying regulations of Criminal Laws criminals in the fields of Information technology and Telecommunications networks is the practice of the Court nationwide in the period from 2009 to 2020.

    pdf42p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 20 3   Download

  • Software-defined networking aims to change the inflexible state networking, by breaking vertical integration, separating the network’s control logic from the underlying routers and switches, promoting (logical) centralization of network control, and introducing the ability to program the network. Consequently, SDN is an important key for resolving aforementioned difficulties.

    doc130p cotithanh000 07-10-2019 29 5   Download

  • The thesis aims to propose some control techniques for mobile target Robot-camera. After that, I studied some of the torque control techniques of joints for the Robot-camera system sticking to the mobile target and the Robot-camera system, paying attention to the motivating motor sticking to the mobile target. Finally, the author also proposed some control algorithms for Robotic-camera arm system with irregular model, external noise and preventing system degradation, using nonlinear sliding controller (TSMC) in combination with Artificial neural networks to estimate uncertain numbers.

    pdf31p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 28 2   Download

  • The objectives of the study are: To collect and select theory related to customer satisfaction; to determine effects of different factors on customer satisfaction usingmobile telecomunication services; to determine effects of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty withmobile telecomunication services provided by three mobile network operators: Vinaphone, Mobifone and Viettel.

    doc26p change05 14-06-2016 41 5   Download

  • Communication Systems Lecturer: M.E. P.T.A. Quang .Contents           Chapter 1: Introductory Concepts Chapter 2: QoS Chapter 3: Transmission and switching Chapter 4: Digital networks Chapter 5: Signaling Chapter 6: PSTN Chapter 7: VoIP Chapter 8: Mobile communication Chapter 9: Satellite communication Chapter 10: Fiber-optic communication .

    pdf20p vanmanh1008 24-06-2013 108 7   Download

  • The telecommunications access network is the section of the network that connects the local exchange to the customers. At present most of the access network is composed of low bandwidth copper cable. Electronic communications are becoming an essential feature of life both at home and at work. The increasing use of applications that require larger bandwidths (such as the internet and video on demand) are making the copper infrastructure inadequate. These demands could be met using optical fibre technologies....

    pdf19p tienvovan 11-09-2010 85 6   Download

  • Telecommunications is a vital and growing area, important not only in its own right, but also for the service it provides to other areas of human endeavour. Moreover, there currently seems to be a demand for an ever-expanding set of telecommunication services of ever-increasing bandwidth. One particular technology that has the potential to provide the huge bandwidths necessary if such broadband services are to be widely adopted, is multiwavelength all-optical transport networks (Mukherjee, 1997)....

    pdf16p tienvovan 11-09-2010 72 5   Download

  • In line with the rapid growth of telecommunications networks in recent years, there has been a corresponding increase in the level of network complexity. Consequently, it is now generally accepted that advanced computer aided simulation and analysis methods are essential aids to the management of large networks. The 1990s will be recalled as the decade of business process re-engineering

    pdf19p tienvovan 11-09-2010 98 6   Download

  • Evolutionary Methods for the Design of Reliable Networks Alice E. Smith and Berna Dengiz Introduction to the Design Problem The problem of how to design a network so that certain constraints are met and one or more objectives are optimized is relevant in many real world applications in telecommunications (Abuali et al., 1994a; Jan et al., 1993; Koh and Lee, 1995; Walters and Smith, 1995), computer networking (Chopra et al., 1984; Pierre et al., 1995), water systems (Savic and Walters, 1995) and oil and gas lines (Goldberg, 1989).

    pdf18p tienvovan 11-09-2010 88 9   Download

  • Optimization Issues in Telecommunications The complexity and size of modern telecommunications networks provide us with many challenges and opportunities. In this book, the challenges that we focus on are those which involve optimization. This simply refers to scenarios in which we are aiming to find something approaching the ‘best’ among many possible candidate solutions to a problem. For example, there are an intractably large number of ways to design the topology of a private data network for a large corporation....

    pdf13p tienvovan 11-09-2010 124 19   Download

  • Public Networks and Telecommunications Service Providers Historically, telecommunications networks have been run by state-owned organizations, who have operated as legally protected monopolies. These organizations tended run telecommunications to in a manner similar other public utility services (electricity, gas, water, etc.), providing only a few to very basic services, but in a reliable and well-engineered fashion, and available at almost any location to anyone who cared to apply.

    pdf8p huggoo 20-08-2010 57 4   Download

  • Corporate Networks Although large multi-national companies can afford to employ specialist ‘telecommunications managers’, smaller companies individuals and are less privileged. For these latter groups, telecommunications are often just another subsidiary responsibility either a computer services for manager or even the general business manager. Nonetheless all telecommunications managers can affectthewayinwhichtheircompaniesoperate.Inthischapterweshalldiscusshow.

    pdf16p huggoo 20-08-2010 78 5   Download

  • Technical Standards for Networks In the past, telecommunications networks have been evolved in the minds of their designers to meet well defined but changing user demands. These broadly innovative influences are bound to persist and users can look forward toever more sophisticated telecommunications services in the future. Itwas onlyin themid-1960s that customer-dialled international telephone callsfirst became possible, and in those days such calls were for therich alone.

    pdf18p huggoo 20-08-2010 130 4   Download

  • Charging and Accounting for Network Use So far we have concerned ourselves entirely with the technical and operational side of running networks and providing telecommunications services. Network operators, if they wantto stay in business, also need to think about capital and operational costs, and how to recover them from their customers.

    pdf16p huggoo 20-08-2010 70 4   Download

  • Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) The goalof the ‘telecommunications management network’o r ‘ T M Nis to provide for consistent and efficient management of complex telecommunications networks. The T M N model describes the basic operating and management functionswhich a network operator has to conduct and the standard interfaces to be used between network components and network managementsystems.

    pdf15p huggoo 20-08-2010 58 5   Download

  • Broadband, Multimedia Networks and the B-ZSDN The emergence of ‘multimedia’ computers and software which use all sorts of different audio, data, image and video signals simultaneously has heralded a new generation of computers and computer ‘applications’ and spurred the need to develop and deploy a new universal technology for telecommunications

    pdf12p huggoo 20-08-2010 66 8   Download

  • Fibre in the Loop (FITL) and Other Access Networks Theadvent ofopticalfibrecommunicationhascoincidedwithaworldwidetrendtowards deregulation public of telecommunication network services. This caused has rapid heavy investment in optical fibre networks, including access networks for the connection of customers.

    pdf10p huggoo 20-08-2010 65 5   Download

  • Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) The synchronous hierarchy digital (SDH) is emergingthe as universal technology for transmission telecommunications in networks. the publication Since first of international standards by ITU-T in 1989, SDH equipment has been rapidly developedand deployed across the world,andisrapidlytakingoverfromitspredecessor,thePlesiochronousDigitalHierarchy (PDH).ThischapterdescribesSDHandtheNorthAmericanequivalentofSDH,SONET (SynchronousOpticalNetwork),fromwhichitgrew...

    pdf14p huggoo 20-08-2010 93 18   Download

  • Zntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Most public telecommunication operators throughout the world have now at least commenced the modernization of their networks by introducing digital transmission and digital switching into the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Simultaneously many operators are converting their networks to integrated services digital networks (ISDN) which will allow customers access to a variety of services while reducing the cost of provision of these services both to the administration and to the customer....

    pdf19p huggoo 20-08-2010 83 7   Download

  • Introduction to Signal Transmission and the Basic Line Circuit To make it suitable for carriage over most telecommunications networks, information must first be encoded in an electrical manner, as anelectrical signal. Only such signalscan be conveyed over the wires and exchanges that comprise ‘transport the mechanism’ of telecommunications networks.Overtheyears,avarietyofdifferentmethodshave been developed forencoding different types of information.

    pdf11p huggoo 20-08-2010 81 5   Download



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