Temperature measurement
Lecture Sensors and analytical devices: Temperature measurement include all of the following: Thermoelectric effect sensors (thermocouples), varying resistance devices, semiconductor devices, radiation thermometers, thermography (thermal imaging), thermal expansion methods, quartz thermometers, fiber – optic temperature sensors,...
48p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 44 4 Download
The main aims of this research are: To determine the phase inversion temperatures for the formation of oil-in-brine nanoemulsions at various salt concentrations using conductivity measurements; To prepare the nano-emulsions at PIT points, and study their stability by measuring their droplet size, polydispersity and size distribution using dynamic light scattering technique; To confirm the DLS results using Cryo-SEM technique;...
324p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 4 Download
The thesis was designed to find appropriate technological conditions such as pH of solution, calcination temperature, firing time, measures of titanium metal surface treatment to fabricate hydroxyapatite coatings. (HA and FHA) on titanium substrate by solgel method capable of applying biomedical.
27p capheviahe26 25-01-2021 17 5 Download
Influence of substitution of 3d metals for Mn on properties of La0.67Ca0.33Mn0.9 TM0.1O3 (TM = Fe, Co, Ni) compounds was studied. Ferromagnetic – paramagnetic and metals – insulator transitions were significantly affected by Mn-site substitution. However, no observable difference was found in their crystal structure from X-ray diffraction analysis. At room temperature the structure characterization of these compounds gave the single phase and structure is the distortion orthorhombic cell with space group symmetry Pnma.
12p 12120609 01-06-2020 14 2 Download
This study has been made in an attempt to find the structural integrity of the fuel assembly (FA) of Chashma Nuclear Power Plant-1 (CHASNUPP-1) at room temperature in air.
6p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 10 0 Download
This study has been made in an attempt to find the structural integrity of the Chashma Nuclear power plant-1 FA skeleton at room temperature. The finite element (FE) analysis has been performed using ANSYS, in orderto determinethe elongationofthe FAskeleton as wellas the locationofmax. stress and stresses developedin axial direction under tensile load of 9800 N or 2 g being the FA handling or lifting load [Y. Zhang et al., Fuel Assembly Design Report, SNERDI, China, 1994].
6p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 27 2 Download
In this work, the kinetics rates have been measured by optical microscopy using a single particle approach. The advantages of this analytical technique are an easier management of species transport in solution and a precise following of the dissolution rate.
12p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 9 2 Download
Study of high temperature steam oxidation kinetics during the high temperature oxidation was carried out on the sponge base E110 cladding tubes material in the temperature range 600–1300 °C. The oxidation kinetics derived from the weight gain measurements showed a parabolic rate law for temperatures 1100 °C and higher only.
6p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 12 1 Download
(BQ) In the study, temperature measurements have been made for Ti–6Al–4V workpieces with various duty factors to clarify the essential causes of difficulty in machining titanium alloys and observe the optimal duty factor in terms of productivity and quality.
7p xuanphuongdhts 27-03-2017 49 4 Download
A clear difference in the enthalpy changes derived from spectroscopic and calorimetric measurements has recently been shown. The exact interpretation of this deviation varied from study to study, but it was generally attributed to the non-two-state transition and heat capacity change. Although the temperature-dependent thermodynamics of the duplex formation was often implied, systemic and extensive studies have been lacking in universally assigning the appropriate thermodynamic parameter sets.
10p system191 01-06-2013 37 4 Download
The interaction of bacterial endotoxins [lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and theendotoxic principle lipid A], with high-den-sity lipoprotein (HDL) from serum was investigated with a variety of physical techniques and biological assays. HDL exhibited an increase in the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature Tc and a rigidification of the acyl chains of the endotoxins as measured by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanningcalorimetry.
10p tumor12 22-04-2013 38 3 Download
A novel method, based upon primer extension, has been developed for measuring the reopening temperature of a single type of DNA hairpin structure. Two DNA oligo-nucleotides have been utilized and designated as primers 1 and2.Primer1,withits5- and3¢-termini fully comple-mentary to the hairpin flanking sequences, was used to evaluate primer extension conditions, and primer 2, with its 3¢-end competing with the DNA hairpin stem, was used to detect the DNA hairpin reopening temperature.
0p awards 05-04-2013 26 3 Download
The information required for successful assembly of an icosahedral virus is encoded in the native conformation of the capsidproteinand in its interactionwith the nucleic acid. Here we investigated how the packing and stability of virus capsids are sensitive to single amino acid substitutions in the coat protein. Tryptophan fluorescence, bis-8-anilinonaph-thalene-1-sulfonate fluorescence, CD and light scattering were employed to measure urea- and pressure-induced effects on MS2 bacteriophage and temperature sensitive mutants. ...
11p dell39 03-04-2013 38 4 Download
Work on the relationship between hyperthermophile protein dynamics, sta-bility and activity is reviewed. Neutron spectroscopy has been applied to measure and compare the macromolecular dynamics of various hyper-thermophilic and mesophilic proteins, under different conditions.
10p media19 04-03-2013 37 2 Download
THERMODYNAMIC MODELING, ENERGY EQUIPARTITION, AND NONCONSERVATION OF ENTROPY FOR DISCRETE-TIME DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS WASSIM M. HADDAD, QING HUI, SERGEY G. NERSESOV, AND VIJAYSEKHAR CHELLABOINA Received 19 November 2004 We develop thermodynamic models for discrete-time large-scale dynamical systems. Specifically, using compartmental dynamical system theory, we develop energy flow models possessing energy conservation, energy equipartition, temperature equipartition, and entropy nonconservation principles for discrete-time, large-scale dynamical systems.
44p sting12 10-03-2012 54 7 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: Reliability issues in human brain temperature measurement...
4p thulanh18 28-10-2011 49 4 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học Critical Care giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức về ngành y học đề tài: The effect of different volumes and temperatures of saline on the bladder pressure measurement in critically ill patients...
7p coxanh_4 26-10-2011 50 3 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về bệnh học thý y được đăng trên tạp chí Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về bệnh thú yđề tài: A study on the applicability of implantable microchip transponders for body temperature measurements in pigs...
9p coxanh_1 22-10-2011 58 5 Download
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học General Psychiatry cung cấp cho các bạn kiến thức về ngành y đề tài: Three-dimensional and thermal surface imaging produces reliable measures of joint shape and temperature: a potential tool for quantifying arthritis...
9p thulanh14 15-10-2011 42 3 Download
This program tip discusses the following: measuring a temperature and monitoring the specified limits by using the analog expansion module EM235; at one input channel of the analog module, a temperature sensor PT100 is connected.
19p gochip01 25-04-2011 134 27 Download