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The break-through

Xem 1-11 trên 11 kết quả The break-through
  • We measured cocrystals of the membrane protein Photosystem I with its soluble electron acceptor ferredoxin for the first time at the ALS (Berkeley, CA). Previous data collected at our home source and at other synchrotron sources showed crystals with very high mosaicity (2–5%) and a diffraction limit to 7–8 Aresolution. This first beamtime at ALS was very successful and may represent a breakthrough for the determination of the crystal structure. 110 crystals, grown under modified crystallization conditions, were scanned and for the first time, crystals diffraction to 3.5 A were observed....

    pdf17p fptmusic 11-04-2013 33 2   Download

  • In the early 1990s, breakthrough discoveries on the genetics of Alzheimer’s disease led to the identification of missense mutations in the amyloid-b precursor proteingene. Research findings quickly followed, giving insights into molecular pathogenesis and possibilities for the development of new types of animal models.

    pdf21p mobifone23 18-01-2013 42 5   Download

  • Poincar´ made the first attempt in 1896 on applying variational calculus e to the three-body problem and observed that collision orbits do not necessarily have higher values of action than classical solutions. Little progress had been made on resolving this difficulty until a recent breakthrough by Chenciner and Montgomery. Afterward, variational methods were successfully applied to the N -body problem to construct new classes of solutions.

    pdf25p dontetvui 17-01-2013 40 7   Download

  • We prove that a nonrenormalizable smooth unimodal interval map with critical order between 1 and 2 displays decay of geometry, by an elementary and purely “real” argument. This completes a “real” approach to Milnor’s attractor problem for smooth unimodal maps with critical order not greater than 2. 1. Introduction The dynamical properties of unimodal interval maps have been extensively studied recently. A major breakthrough is a complete solution of Milnor’s attractor problem for smooth unimodal maps with quadratic critical points. ...

    pdf23p noel_noel 17-01-2013 51 9   Download

  • When discussing the antibiotic breakthrough of penicillin, the name which is most often associated with its discovery tends to be Alexander Fleming. While this is not completely false, there are many other factors as well as persons which aided in uncovering penicillin’s full potential in human uses.

    doc3p silencer007 20-03-2011 295 14   Download

  • iPhone The Missing Manul- P11:Apple’s iPhone is a breakthrough in design, miniaturization, and elegant software. This stunning, sleek, black-and-chrome touchscreen machine comes with cellphone, iPod, Internet, and organizer features—just about everything you need except a printed manual. Fortunately, David Pogue arrives just in time with iPhone: The Missing Manual: a witty, authoritative, full-color guide to unlocking the iPhone’s potential.

    pdf6p xmen246 28-09-2010 80 6   Download

  • The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P29:We are in the middle of an exciting period of time in the field of image processing. Indeed, scarcely a week passes where we do not hear an announcement of some new technological breakthrough in the areas of digital computation and telecommunication.

    pdf1p jupyter246 12-09-2010 70 9   Download

  • Việc thu hẹp hoạt động và cắt giảm nhân sự để tồn tại thường được các doanh nghiệp nghĩ đến khi gặp khủng hoảng kinh tế. Tuy nhiên, theo Keith McFarland, tác giả của cuốn sách được tờ Wall Street Journal đánh giá là sách bán chạy nhất The Breakthrough Company: How Everyday Companies Become Extraordinary Performers (tạm dịch: Bí quyết trở thành những công ty phát triển vượt bậc), khi thực hiện chiến lược này các doanh nghiệp cần phải tránh những sai lầm sau đây: Đánh giá sai quy mô của việc sa thải nhân viên. Khi cắt...

    pdf3p bunrieu 14-07-2010 88 8   Download

  • Bài viết này được phỏng theo cuốn “Smart Questions: Learn to Ask the Right Questions for Powerful Results” (Jossey-Bass, SanFrancisco, 2004) của hai giáo sư Gerald Nadler và William J.Chandom - chủ tịch và phó chủ tịch Tổng công ty “The Center for Breakthrough Thinking”. Tầm quan trọng của sự sáng tạo Tầm quan trọng của sự sáng tạo vẫn tăng lên hàng năm ở mọi thành phần xã hội như là một kết quả phản hồi từ cuộc sống trong thế giới và môi trường kinh doanh sôi động. Mọi người được hô hào sáng tạo. Hãng kinh doanh tìm...

    pdf5p 7sac_cauvong 29-06-2010 247 121   Download

  • The age of information and technology has brought mankind lots of the “breakthrough” inventions, in which the appearances of mobile phones with the cheap costs and high application has made the great changes for people’s lives, especially for the youth. Most of the cities- dwellers possess one or more hand phones, in particular, the secondary and college students do.

    doc20p pht_npower 28-05-2010 157 33   Download

  • 10Gigabit Ethernet is an emerging technology offering data speeds up to 10 billion bits per second. This latest standard has been driven not only by the increase in normal data traffic but also by the proliferation of new, bandwidth-intensive applications. At the recent IEEE 10Gigabit/s Ethernet standard working group meeting it was announced that international structured cabling company KRONE had made a breakthrough.

    pdf1p qd-tek 28-04-2010 79 4   Download



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