The changing role
This research thesis will explore, from the results of the life experiences of families and couples who lived through the Wangary fire (South Australia, January 2005), the complexities of work, parenting, relationships, changing responsibilities and roles and sense of place. All of these factors have relevance to the review and development of bushfire management policy and related community awareness and preparedness programs.
178p runthenight07 01-03-2023 11 3 Download
Corporate bond ratings published by rating agencies play an important role for both companies and market participants because they provide information about the quality and marketability of various bond issues. For this reason, the rating changes announced by rating agencies must be carefully examined to assess their relevance and usefulness to market participants. The overall objective of this study is to examine whether bond rating changes announcements contain pricing-relevant information, and this objective is supported by six specific aims.
241p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 4 Download
The aim of this study is to develop a perspective on culture which would integrate the views of both opposing camps. By applying the principles of ancient Chinese philosophy, especially the Yin-Yang principle, a balanced, holistic conceptualization was proposed which hold that culture is composed of both a stable and a changing dimension, which dialectically transform into each other to give culture a certain degree of stability and inheritability on the one hand, and a momentum for change and variability on the other, in an ongoing, spiraling process of cultural emergence.
295p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 4 Download
The research was expected to have the following potential outcomes. First, prior the positive change in EFL teaching with a better positionality of intercultural education, an investigation into teachers’ perceptions and practices would provide educational managers with evaluative feedback on the existing status of intercultural integration. Second, it might raise awareness of participating teachers and students on the role of culture in EFL education.
229p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 34 5 Download
This study analyses the effects that some Active learning strategies and instruments have had in changing the classroom environment. Through active learning activities and modeling by the teacher, students changed the traditional role as passive receptors and learn and practice how to apprehend knowledge and skills and use them meaningfully.
65p trinhthamhodang10 16-03-2021 27 3 Download
Changing market dynamics has led to Consumerization of Indian Automobile Industry posing innumerable challenges for the car manufacturers. The demand in the industry today is not just for a car as a product but a bundled “experience package.”
11p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 44 4 Download
The marketing promotion is playing a vital role in the industry but the technological advancements are moving at a faster rate. In order to inculcate the changes it is thus necessary to understand the human decision making process.
6p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 10 0 Download
Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are common genetic changes in the human genome. In recent time, many scientists have shown their interests in studies on SNPs’ roles in the pathological risk especially in cancer and metabolic diseases.
27p tamynhan0 15-06-2020 18 1 Download
Using a case study of Raglai ethnic families in Khanh Son, Khanh Vinh districts and Cam Ranh City (Khanh Hoa province), the paper initially explores the decision-making power of men and women in matriarchal families under the infl uences of the reformand integration process. The survey results show that the status, role and power of the wife and the husband in the family have changed considerably towards a positive trend.
8p 12120609 01-06-2020 27 2 Download
In this study, we use MIXOPTIM, a Monte-Carlo simulator of the behavior of a mix of power sources on a territory, to evaluate the performance of the present EU power mix. After a validation on the French mix, we applied it to the whole EU territory and made variational calculations around the present mix to evaluate the performance impacts induced by small changes in installed renewable power and nuclear power.
5p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 5 0 Download
Summary of the Doctor thesis of Sociology: Role of grassroots socio political organizations in ensuring social security for rural residents: Case study in 2 communes with content to understand the role of grassroots socio-political organizations in ensuring social security for rural residents through the implementation of this organization, supporting labor market policies and social assistance in rural communities. On that basis, a number of recommendations are proposed to improve the performance of socio-political organizations in the context of current social change. Invite you to refer.
18p lanxichen 05-05-2020 40 4 Download
After completing this chapter, students will be able: Know what marketing is and why you should learn about it, understand the difference between micro-marketing and macro-marketing, know why and how macro-marketing systems develop, understand why marketing is crucial to economic development and our global economy,...
8p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 76 5 Download
Learning objectives for chapter 1 include: Explain the key role of a systems analyst in business; describe the various types of systems an analyst might work on; explain the importance of technical, people, and business skills for an analyst; explain why ethical behavior is crucial for a systems analyst’s career,...
9p kiepnaybinhyen_02 25-12-2015 76 1 Download
It is clear that Vietnam is still an agricultural country, in which planting and farming important role in the life of Vietnamese people. Although in recent years, there has been.changes in structure of economy such as the fall in the share of agriculture and the rise of.other sectors, agricultural production also provides jobs for about 60% of Vietnamese.population as well as key export commodities. However, Vietnam is not only famous as the.biggest supplier of rice but also popular with many kinds of fisheries produce like.Pangasius fillets, shrimps, cuttlefish, etc.
11p talata_1 22-09-2014 82 9 Download
Trong bài này chúng tôi sẽ cùng các bạn nghiên cứu một số cơ chế bảo mật có trong RDS cùng với đó là cách sử dụng Group Policy và các thiết lập cấu hình. Remote Desktop Services (RDS) trong Windows Server 2008 R2 có nhiều tính năng mới so với dịch vụ Terminal Services cũ trước đây. Với các tính năng mới (một trong số chúng đã có ngay trong Windows Server 2008) chẳng hạn như RemoteApp, RD Gateway và RD Virtualization Host, Windows Server role này hiện cho phép bạn có thể linh động trong việc triển khai...
11p wiwinn 27-07-2013 102 7 Download
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biology, University of Bari, Italy; 2Department of Zoology, Laboratory of Histology and Comparative Anatomy, University of Bari, Italy; 3Center for the Study of Mitochondria and Energy Metabolism (CNR) Bari, Italy Mitochondrial bioenergetic impairment has been found in the organelles isolated from rat liver during the prereplicative phase of liver regeneration.
9p system191 01-06-2013 35 4 Download
Y238, oneof thevery fewconservedresidues in theactive site ofD-amino acid oxidases (DAAO), was mutated to phe-nylalanine and serine in the enzyme from the yeastRhodo-torula gracilis. The mutated proteins are catalytically competent thus eliminating Tyr238 as an active-site acid/ base catalyst. Y238FandY238Smutants exhibit a threefold slower turnover on D-alanine as substrate, which can be attributed to a slower rate of product release relative to the wild-type enzyme (a change of the rate constants for sub-strate binding was also evident). ...
10p research12 29-04-2013 58 5 Download
In human neutrophils, both changes in intracellular Ca 2+ concentrations, [Ca 2+ ] i , and activation of phosphatidyl-inositol-3 kinase (PtdIns3K) have been proposed to play a role in regulating cellular function induced by chemoattr-actants. In this studywe have investigated the role of [Ca 2+ ] i and its effector molecule calmodulin in human neutrophils.
10p research12 23-04-2013 42 2 Download
mRNA stabilization plays an important role in the changes in protein expression initiated by inducers of inflammation or direct cell stress such as UV light. This study provides evidence that stabilization in response to UV light differs from that induced by proinflammatory stimuli such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide or interleukin (IL)-1. Firstly, UV-induced stabilization is independent of the p38 MAP kinase pathway, which has previously been shown to medi-ate stabilization induced by IL-1 or lipopolysaccharide....
10p tumor12 22-04-2013 44 2 Download
Met53 in barleya-amylase 1 (AMY1) is situated at the high-affinity subsite)2. While Met53 is unique to planta-amy-lases,the adjacent Tyr52 stacks onto substrate at subsite)1 and is essentially invariant in glycoside hydrolase family 13. These residues belong toa short sequencemotif inbfialoop 2 of the catalytic (b/a)8-barrel and site-directedmutagenesis was used to introduce a representative variety of structural changes,Met53Glu/Ala/Ser/Gly/Asp/Tyr/Trp,to investi-gate the role of Met53.
14p tumor12 22-04-2013 37 4 Download