The education career
•Education- Leys School, Cambridge, and Sheffield University (Doctorate of Engineering) •Career- Sheffield City Engineer Department, Experimental Bridging Establishment (1928), First Director of the Military Engineering Experimental Establishment •Knighted in 1946 .Design employed prefabricated panels and parts Can be carried by trucks and assembled using manpower alone Erection using simple tools (ropes, pulleys, jacks and hammers) Can be moved, rebuilt, or replaced in several hours, even under enemy fire ...
21p donghoadequan 27-07-2013 51 4 Download
The primary objective of this research "Exploring occupational and career implications of human capital specificity: a fine arts case study" is to provide a riskadjusted ex ante return analysis of a fine arts education that can be useful as career advice for current and former fine arts students, but most of all, for potential fine arts students unsure about choosing this field of education.
87p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
Fashion design education does not have a very long history in Sri Lanka. But the institutes have completed considerable number of years to review their curriculum approaches to revise for future trends and demands. At present, so far locally qualified fashion designers are applying fashion design in many unique ways according to each individual’s need. This research will identify their experience and practices. In doing so, the research will assist to understand the current position of the fashion designer within Sri Lanka’s fashion industry system to address the key research questions.
136p runthenight07 01-03-2023 11 4 Download
In order to formulate the research questions a review of the literature was conducted, from which three questions emerged relating to the issue surrounding one’s decision to enroll in a fine arts course and the professional ‘use value’ of the human capital accumulated during this type of education.
87p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 4 Download
This research examines property university programs in Australia. It tracks the student/graduate from the beginning of the university experience to that of the early-career professional, and examines expectations of other stakeholders, concentrating on property programs offered by Australian public universities. The basis of the research is a perceived gap in the literature and practice relating to stakeholder expectations of these programs and what may reasonably be done to improve satisfaction.
280p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
Review Literature and carry out empirical research and recommend some solutions of developing ESW based on professional competency, which contributes to improve their competency and quality of supporting operation in the study area.
24p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 16 2 Download
The research’s objectives: Proposing some potential measures to formulate and develop statistical thinking for students of pharmaceutical universities through teaching Statistics in Medicine and Pharmacy, contributing to improve the quality of school and helping Pharmaceutical students make more effective career decisions when studying statistics.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 44 4 Download
Objectives: Establish a scientific basis and propose a process of organizing the teaching of grade 10 Biology to meet the career-oriented goals in implementing the General Education Program 2018.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 16 4 Download
A degree that once was seen as the safeguard for unemployment now become somewhat irrelevant. A higher education degree cannot give sufficient tools for an entire career, but it can form the basis for effective lifelong learning. The importance of higher education will increase when lifelong learning, including its solid base, are emphasised in the future.
19p nhatdepdzai2k 30-05-2021 16 2 Download
Research purposes: On the basis of theoretical and practical research on career counseling skill of students of technology education, proposing the process of developing career counseling skill for the students through pedagogical training based on experiential learning.
27p extraenglish 26-05-2021 13 4 Download
Aims of the study: Basing on theoretical study of managing lower secondary teachers’ in-service training activities towards competency approach and current analysis of this issue in provinces surrounding Hanoi, the author proposed management measures to improve the quality of lower secondary teachers, meeting goal of the basic and comprehensive renewal of our lower secondary education in the current period.
27p extraenglish 26-05-2021 30 4 Download
Research Purposes: Review Literature and carry out empirical research and recommend some solutions of developing ESW based on professional competency, which contributes to improve their competency and quality of supporting operation in the study area.
24p extraenglish 26-05-2021 14 2 Download
The process of teaching Biology meets the objectives of career orientation for high school students; teaching and learning Biology meets the career oriented goals for high school students.
27p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 27 5 Download
The present study aims to examine the job crafting measures of middle age employees and its relationship with work autonomy. The study proposes that middle age employees will undertake more job crafting measures if their work provides them decision latitude.
8p guineverehuynh 19-06-2020 15 2 Download
The paper highlights the main features of some Euratom projects, which have been running recently in support to education, training and mobility in the nuclear fields. The described projects address various critical aspects of nuclear knowledge management, aiming at maintaining the wealth of nuclear expertise in Europe in an environment characterised by decreased attractiveness of nuclear careers.
14p christabelhuynh 29-05-2020 11 1 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investments projects for higher education & training and postgraduate education & training meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
27p change08 27-06-2016 64 8 Download
Research purpose of this dissertation is to research systematically the state management scientific basis for State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education in Vietnam. On that basis, it is to establish and propose viewpoints, solutions in order to enhance efficiency of the State management on State budget-funded investment projects for Higher education and Postgraduate education meeting new requirements and tasks in the educational career development of the country.
26p change06 14-06-2016 43 3 Download
THE RATE OF RETURN TO EDUCATION AND THE GENDER EARNINGS DIFFERENTIAL : A COMPARISON OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE REPULIC OF IRELAND I am very much indebted to David Card, for limitless advice and support throughout my graduate school career. The research here has benefited in innumerable ways from his many suggestions, as have I. It is hard to imagine a better advisor.
214p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 71 11 Download