The efficiency of markets
Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung tài liệu "Chapter 7: Consumers, producers, and the efficiency of market" dưới đây để có thêm tài liệu tham khảo trong quá trình học tập và ôn thi. Nội dung tài liệu gồm những câu hỏi bài tập chọn đáp án đúng sai bằng tiếng Anh, hy vọng nội dung tài liệu sẽ giúp các bạn tự tin hơn trong kỳ thi sắp tới.
82p apdoi90 20-10-2015 106 7 Download
This research has been undertaken by theoretical and practical investigation via a critique of the historical and contemporary topics surrounding women’s apparel size definitions. This analysis has informed the development of an alternative size model to assist design and production of mass market apparel. There is expectation from both apparel manufacturers and consumers that apparel standards are necessary for the efficient production and distribution of mass market apparel.
121p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 4 Download
In this thesis, we will address the following questions: (1) Is Shenzhen stock market efficient? (2) What is the most common violation of market efficiency in the Shenzhen stock exchange? (3) Is noise trading strategy profitable in China? (4) Can fundamental factors explain noise trader risk in Shenzhen stock market? (5) Can finance fundamentals explain overreaction, underreaction or IPE? (6) Do other factors such as financial crisis, seasonality and market sentiment affect noise trader risk?
377p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
To study the scientific basis to build the optimal calculation model of electricity sales for the system of staged reservoirs under competitive power generation conditions in order to provide operational instructions in combination with the coordination chart deliver the full annual output contract and drive to the largest revenue.
27p hobbsandshaw 09-06-2021 16 4 Download
The research objective of this thesis is to study the impact of internal control on the performance of CBTPs listed on the stock market of Vietnam, from which to consider making appropriate recommendations on internal control to help businesses improve operational efficiency in the current international economic integration context.
6p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 25 2 Download
Individual investors need to adjust any psychology (psychology in other words behavioral finance) to bring investment performance when investing on real estate markets. At the same time, which external environmental factors affect and explain to individual investors' sentiment in the context of the real estate market in Ho Chi Minh City, a market that is considered vibrant and in the Vietnamese context. global economic integration is increasingly extensive.
28p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 22 3 Download
The dissertation's research objectives are to explain theories about agency costs and business performance; Recommendations are proposed to reduce agency costs to improve operational efficiency of listed companies in Vietnam.
0p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 64 1 Download
The thesis is based on the application of the fundamental theory of financial risks, the thesis aims at analyzing financial risks in telecommunications businesses. From there, it implies appropriate policies to control the financial risks of enterprises in order to prevent and minimize financial risks, improve the quality of financial management and business efficiency.
0p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 43 1 Download
Analyze current situation of state management of gold market in Vietnam and its impact on monetary policy in the period of 2006 - 2016, thereby proposing solutions and recommendations to improve efficiency. State management results for the gold market in Vietnam.
0p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 13 0 Download
The objectives to be achieved from this research are Analyzing channels and the efficiency of marketing the catch of marine products of local fishermen in Malind District, Merauke Regency. The method used in this study is Survey.
7p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 17 2 Download
Opinions by other consumers influences considerably on consumers’ buying decisions as well as on post-purchase product perceptions. This is called word of mouth (WOM) and it is assumed to be more efficient than conventional marketing tools like advertising and personal selling.
9p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 36 2 Download
The current challenges related to safety, security and economic efficiency lead to the consolidation of the level of education and training of merchant marine officers, through the interdependence and diversification of the curricula in the world economy of shipping, finance of the maritime industry and the specialized labour market.
9p christabelhuynh 04-06-2020 16 1 Download
The objective of the thesis is to study and calculate the level of disclosure of social responsibility information in businesses; Differences and influences of disclosure of corporate social responsibility to financial efficiency of businesses listed on Vietnam's stock market.
0p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 42 5 Download
In a market economy, companies must always specify that the effective use of capital is a core element for survival and development. If good done the effective use of capital then the company will win the competition and get the desired business results.
18p nguyenhung11038333 04-08-2013 85 7 Download
In recent years, legislative and market requirements have driven the need to reduce fuel consumption while meeting increasingly stringent exhaust emissions. This trend has dictated increasing complexity in automotive engines and new approaches to engine design. A key research objective for the automotive engineering community has been the potential combination of gasoline-engine specific power with diesel-like engine efficiency in a cost-competitive, production-feasible power train.
21p minhtrong90 06-05-2013 90 5 Download
SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Hanushek cautions: If the efficiency of our school systems is due to poor incentives for teachers and administrators coupled with poor decisionmaking by consumers, it would be unwise to expect much from programs that seek to strengthen market forces in the selection of schools, (1981, p. 34-35; emphasis added). Moreover, if students outcomes depend importantly on the characteristics of their classmates (i.e.
231p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 89 17 Download
Three essays consider implications of the strong association between student background characteristics and academic performance. Chapter One considers the incentives that school choice policies might create for the efficient management of schools. These incentives would be diluted if parents prefer schools with desirable peer groups to those with inferior peers but better policies and instruction. I model a Tiebout choice housing market in which schools differ in both peer group and effectiveness.
177p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 62 9 Download
Activity Based Costing Model to Cost Academic Programs and Estimate Costs for Support Services in California Community Colleges In either case, however, we can expect little effect of expansions of Tiebout choice on school efficiency, as in the former even markets with only a few districts can provide market discipline and in the latter no plausible amount of governmental fragmentation will create efficiency-enhancing incentives for school administrators.
113p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 72 13 Download
Một cá nhân có thể làm những điều điên rồ, nhưng vẫn không ảnh hưởng đến hiệu quả của thị trường. Giá của tài sản đó trong một thị trường hiệu quả là một giá sự đồng thuận cũng như một mức giá biên. Một người hấp dẫn này có thể cung cấp cho các tài sản đi miễn phí hoặc cung cấp để trả gấp đôi giá trị thị trường.
6p nhungngaytuoidep 06-11-2011 72 6 Download
CAPM: Assumptions • Investors are risk-averse individuals who maximize the expected utility of their wealth • Investors are price takers and they have homogeneous expectations about asset returns that have a joint normal distribution (thus market portfolio is efficient) • There exists a risk-free asset such that investors may borrow or lend unlimited amount at a risk-free rate. • The quantities of assets are fixed. Also all assets are marketable and perfectly divisible. • Asset markets are frictionless. Information is costless and simultaneously available to all investors.
10p dauxanhnguyenhuong 28-09-2011 66 7 Download