The open door policy
The thesis analyzes the historical context and main reasons leading to the Spanish conquest of the Philippines and implementation of the "closed door" and "open-door" policy in this colony; analyze the impacts and consequences of these policies for Spain and the Philippines during the study period.
28p nguathienthan12 23-05-2021 23 4 Download
In order to further test the hypothesis, this paper will first present a history of globalization in China as well as research on income inequality before the creation of the Open Door Policy. Second, research will be conducted on the impact of globalization in China post Open Door Policy using multinationals as case studies. The research results will provide evidence that the process of globalization led by the economic reform has changed the Chinese economy outlook, and caused income inequality comparing to how it was before the economic reform.
26p fugu897 03-07-2019 36 2 Download
“Chính sách mở cửa (open door policy)” hàm y’ chính sách lãnh đạo trong đó người lãnh đạo để cửa văn phòng của mình mở, để tất cả mọi nhân viên lớn bé đều có thể gặp mình bất kỳ lúc nào một cách dễ dàng. Dĩ nhiên, là trên thực tế lãnh đạo rất bận rộn, không phải lúc nào bước vào phòng là có thể nói chuyện ngay được.
6p hongnhung245 08-11-2010 100 9 Download