The purpose of the trade barriers
This thesis researched the influence of ETBs on exporters from developing countries and their corresponding strategies through a case study of the Chinese organic food industry. Initially, a description of international trade and world export was developed, including their roles in the process of globalization. Trade barriers generated in international trade were then explained, with the focus on NTBs, especially ETBs. Lastly, the link between ETBs and market access was described and then the purpose of this study was proposed.
85p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 48 5 Download
Term paper report: Trade barriers in Viet Nam includes the concept and classification trade barriers; the purpose of the trade barriers; results and solutions trade barriers (the result of the application of trade barriers for the economy, solutions the remaining matter in the application of the tariff barriers).
12p yennguyen174 02-07-2016 43 5 Download