Total rna
Bioremediation presents a potentially low cost and environmentally agreeable alternative to current physico-chemical remediation strategies. However, heavy metals such as mercury cannot be converted into non-toxic forms by naturally occurring bacteria. Annual global emissions estimates for mercury released into the environment are in the thousands of tons per year [1,2] while the remediation cost is in the thousands of dollars per pound. Finding new bioremediation technologies is an urgent need.
8p zingzing09 24-04-2013 48 4 Download
The transcription patterns of 64 linear double stranded DNA templates obtained with T7 RNA polymerase were investigated. These templates consisted of 17 nucleotide-long sequences under the control of the minimal bac-teriophage T7 promoter and represented all possible combinations of nucleotides at positions +8, +10 and +11.
8p tumor12 20-04-2013 33 5 Download
We purified pancreatic deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) from the shark Heterodontus japonicususing three-step column chromatography. Although its enzymatic properties resem-bled those of other vertebrateDNases I, sharkDNase I was unique inbeingabasicprotein.Full-lengthcDNAs encoding theDNases I of two shark species,H. japonicusandTriakis scyllia, were constructed from their total pancreatic RNAs using RACE.
8p awards 05-04-2013 48 4 Download