Training primary teacher
Research purposes: On the basis of theoretical and practical research, the sis clarifies the content of conceptual thinking concept with Mathematics curriculum development at the primary level. Propose measures to train the adaptative skill to Mathematics curriculum development at the primary level for students of primary education to contribute to improving the quality of teacher training to meet the requirements of fundamental and comprehensive innovation of Education and Training.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 28 4 Download
The purposes of this research paper is to study argument basis by the way approaching the work of developing human resources and the group of ethnic 2 minority elementary teacher development, by that creating reasons to propose a number of possible solutions on developing the group of ethnic minority elementary teachers in the North-West region in order to meet the demand of education and training innovation.
24p change05 08-06-2016 53 3 Download
Research objectives: The study is based on the basis of studying the theories research, survey, evaluating situations, building up solution systems of management of in-service primary teacher training programmes based on the professional standards, thereby improving the quality of primary teaching staff and serving the education reform goals.
29p change03 06-05-2016 75 3 Download
Purposes of the research Abstract of Ph.D. Education science dissertation: Teaching based interaction in training primary teacher of university level: Designing some teaching based interaction models in training primary teacher of university level, in order to improve the quality of training of primary teacher of university level today.
27p nganhanggddt2014 01-07-2014 115 9 Download